My Health Blog

M EAT – Think about your dietary choices in depth because your QUALITY OF LIFE depends on YOU being correct with those choices….

There are several reasons to eliminate meat from the diet entirely – if healing or health is your focus.

Of course, there are plenty of other foods that cause health to fail overtime, yet today, I want to focus specifically on why MEAT shouldn’t be considered an option- unless you are so desperate, in survival mode, that you absolutely do not have any other choice than to consume the meat of another, once living, creature.

I am serious, it may seem bold to state such things, given that in today’s world, the majority consumes some type of animal.  Yet, I am serious, I believe that long ago, humans began eating animals, not because they wanted to, but because they felt they had no other choice.  I don’t claim to know what event or events lead up to the slaughtering & consuming of the living creatures of this earth, yet I can say that most humans do not enjoy killing animals, skinning or gutting them- and if it wasn’t done for us, most people would likely not eat meat at all.  In desperate times, humans & all animals will do whatever it takes to survive.  Over the generations, eating animals (meat) became the norm., it became tradition.

Eating Meat comes with a price, a price to overall health.  An imbalance in internal acidity, fungus & parasites- which love this environment.  There’s a saying that always stuck with me, yet I am unsure about who wrote it.  “Once you begin to consume a life, it consumes yours”.  People do not realize how much of an impact our dietary choices have on our overall health because with each and every choice comes accumulation – bio – accumulation which takes place so slowly that when health issues manifest, it’s an impossibility to pinpoint exactly where we went wrong.  Our health is the result of all our choices to date.  We are responsible.  One of the most challenging aspects with coaching individuals through their health issues is getting them to realize just how important each and every bite is…we ARE what we EAT, there is no getting around that.

People often report feeling “better” or feeling “more energy” once they begin consuming meat again.  The true reason as to why they likely feel better is in fact a misinterpretation & in fact not serving their body in anyway.  Meat is stimulating, it creates excess internal acidity which leads to internal chaos & imbalance which in turn creates the perfect breeding ground for parasites, molds & fungus to thrive.  When we feed the parasites within, we feel temporarily “better” – all the while, feeding the flames of internal acidity leading to inflammatory symptoms overtime.

Here are some points to hopefully cause you to reconsider the meat in your diet – this includes fish & eggs.  Every type of meat (to various degrees) consumed does not serve to nourish the body in anyway.  The only way to discover the truth for yourself, is to experience it for yourself. I am hoping that this post can shed some light in order to avoid misinterpretation of the bodies response to stimuli.  Time always reveals that which we see, or refuse to see now.

  • The metabolic process of animal proteins causes a heavy acid load in the blood, now the bloods PH must remain at 7.365 (or very close) or sudden death takes place if the blood becomes acidic.  As a preventative measure, calcium is withdrawn from the bones to neutralize & buffer the acidity.  This leads to weakened bones as years pass.
  • The proteins in animal products contribute to uric acid production that results in calcium loss through the urine which eventually leads to the formation of calcified stones. – This withdrawal of calcium from the bones causes calcification in the joints overtime leading to arthritis & other inflammatory issues ending in “itis”.
  • “The most comprehensive study involving hip fractures in countries around the world was conducted.  It showed that the countries who’s diets are high in animal protein have the highest rate of hip fractures”.
  • Meat consumption causes damage to the adrenal glands which eventually leads to symptoms such as chronic fatigue.
  • Meat contains hormones, steroids, & neurotransmitters which overtime, damages your adrenal glands.
  • “The stimulating effect that appears to result from flesh, rises from the rapid decay of the flesh.  The flesh decaying in the digestive tract forms some of the most deadly poisons known to chemists.  The bodies intelligence senses the danger and knows the poisons must be eliminated quickly to minimize the damage to the tissues and organs, so the speed of all functions is increased”.  – Arnold Ehret
  • “We now meet another paradox.  The quickened functions make the man feel stronger, and he gives credit for it to the flesh he ate.  He is right, but how ignorant he is of the price he pays for the temporary increase of vitality” – Arnold Ehret
  • “After a meal of meat the increase in heart rate regularly amounts to 25-50% rise above the fasting level and persists in experimental subjects for 15 to 20 hours, to reach a total of many thousands of extra heartbeats”. – Hilton Hotema

I want to point out, that for those who wish to eliminate meat, yet, whenever they do, they feel low on energy or like “crap” – which causes them to eat meat again…That is part of the process, you are likely going to go through withdrawals – much like any stimulant that we eliminate (coffee, black tea, processed sugar, alcohol, etc).  In addition, anyone who had ever consumed meat, milk or eggs in the past has parasites.  When the parasites and fungus within do not receive their toxic, putrefactive, acidic “fix”, the individual is not going to feel optimal, yet it is part of the process in correcting this vicious cycle.  We must go through a period of adjustment when eliminating toxic foods, or foreign chemistry from our diet.  Cravings often arise, feelings of doubt, uncertainty, etc.  If you can recognize that it’s all part of the cleansing process, it will make the transition that much easier because we no longer fear that which we understand.  A parasite cleanse of 3 months will help lessen the uncomfortable symptoms.  Soon, I will be posting a 3 month parasite protocol here on the website.  3 months helps to ensure that all life cycles are targeted.  Yearly maintenance of 1 month per year on the protocol is recommended afterwards.

Healing & correcting the damage done to our bodies through years of wrong foods and lifestyle choices takes time.  It takes patience & a deep understanding.  The body heals at it’s own pace, in it’s own time, and there is no rushing this process.  Our bodies want to heal & to correct our health issues, yet certain conditions must be met in order for the body to do so.  Many people become deterred from the healing process once uncomfortable eliminations occur (cold/flu like symptoms, skin issues, etc.) and they blame their new healthy habits for as the cause instead of recognizing that it was already there, it was already within, the healthier lifestyle & dietary choices are allowing it all to finally release.  These eliminations occur in waves, periodically and can still take place years into our healing journey as the body digs deeper.  Of course there are other causes that deter individuals from continuing and often cause them to incorporate meats and animal products back into their diets, I am only listing a few examples here.  I am here to tell you from first hand experience, it is worth it!  We must go through some level of pain or discomfort to come out on top.  Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels & without health, life is not even close to reaching it’s full potential and there is nothing worse than wasted potential.  Take the initiative and heal because nobody can do this for you, your health is entirely in your own hands, it always has been.

Mariah Heal ThySelf

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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