My Health Blog

Colds, Flus, Cancers, What Are They? “Seeds of Truth Knowledge and Wisdom”

by | Mon,Feb,2024 | Fasting, Health, Natural Hygiene, Nutrition, vegan

This post was written by John Crawford, you can find him on Facebook.  This is brilliantly written and highlights the truth surrounding human disease and the solutions.  John has a book on the horizon titled “Seeds of Truth Knowledge and Wisdom” and I cannot wait to read it!  I’ll share links to his book once it is published and ready for purchase.



I have been receiving private messages in relation to Colds, Flus, Cancer and Fasting.
I will touch gently on these topics  but even so here’s what will be a very long  post on these subjects so maybe digest it in stages, if you are interested in its content.
Many people don’t like change and are comfortable with the way things are. But are they really comfortable? 🤔
“What’s popular isn’t True, and what’s True isn’t popular”
As previously stated, a Cold is the body’s response to a build up of acidic wastes and toxins within the body which are generated over a period of time.
A Flu is a personified Cold and we could say Pneumonia is a personified Flu.
How many die from Flu and Pneumonia at home and how many die from Flu and Pneumonia in a Hospital?
How many die at home from cancer with NO treatment?
How many die who have gone to hospital to have treatment?
👉***What is Pneumonia???
“All cases of colds and flu recover very quickly if the sufferer goes to bed in an airy room with lots of natural daylight. Almost total rest is called for. Total abstention from food but plenty of pure water is needed. Under these conditions debility ceases in from one to three days. But, if the sufferer refuses to rest and continues to eat the same bad
food that contributed heavily to the crisis in the first place, the eliminative effort may be less than the continued toxic buildup, in which case pneumonia may be a concomitant. But, if the sufferer goes to a medic and gets drugged in addition, the body turns its attention to eliminating the drugs. It may cease the cold or flu altogether in face of the
greater enemy. The continued toxic buildup spreads to the lungs. The drugs and toxic materials may concentrate so strongly in the lungs as to cause death or to set the stage for cancer. Many autopsies reveal people who have had pneumonia or who have smoked or lived in highly polluted air have tumors, indurated sacs of lung tissue which encapsulate toxic substances in the lungs. Many cases of long fasts have been conducted in which pneumonia had been suffered many years before. The drugs that had been given had been noted to make their exit from the lungs during the course of the fast as the body autolyzed the tumors and expelled their contents.
Yet, despite the obvious causes of pneumonia, medical professionals are still saying that pneumococcus causes pneumonia when, in fact, more than 25% of pneumonia cases never have pneumococcus”
Search TC Fry on this subject.
The reason so many die from what they call Pneumonia in hospitals is because the patient is fed toxic foods or their body is over toxicated from the administration of drugs from the Flu stage into the Pneumonia stage.
Hostel Protocol kills the patient!
Through IGNORANCE at floor level but the staff are indoctrinated to follow this protocol.
At a much higher level this is all by design. ***👈
When does this build up begin?
Well that depends on the mother’s diet and how clean her Terrain/Body is.
If the mother is making poor lifestyle choices and her diet is acidic then the unborn baby’s Terrain will also suffer and the baby may be born with compromised health conditions.
If the mother is living a clean and healthy lifestyle and making healthy food and beverage choices that greatly enhances the health condition of the unborn baby.
If then your newly born baby receives v@ccinations of any description then this is the beginning of that toxic build up.
If you are feeding your newly born baby anything other than natural healthy breast milk then this is also the beginning.
Man-made synthetic powdered baby milk is not natural and will have a negative effect upon a newborn baby’s delicate body.
Despite what you might be lead to believe babies nor adults for that matter need v@ccinations of any description.
The poison within the “vile” will do nothing but cause chaos within a perfectly healthy body. It is designed to cause your body harm.
We are not designed to thrive on synthetic materials of any kind being injected into our bloodstream.
NOTHING good ever comes from a vial “vile”.
The medical industry create invisible enemies all the time to create FEAR! among the masses for the sake of coercion and manifestation.
They create disease after disease after disease and, of course then they must create remedy after remedy after remedy 💰 🤑 💸.
Keeping the world in a constant state of sickness isn’t just about financial gain, its goes deeper and darker than that.
( I’ll go there another day)
Keeping humanity in a constant state of fear keeps humanity in a constant state of sickness which keeps them docile and in a constant state of compliancy.
There is only ONE DISEASE and that dis-ease is TOXEMIA aka ACIDOSIS !!!
All other so called “diseases” are SYMPTOMS of Acidosis or Toxemia.
Coughs, Colds, Sore throats, Flus, Chest “infections”, Pneumonia, Cancers etc etc are symptoms of the same dis-ease again Toxemia or an over Acidic body.
Acid breaks down the body’s natural mucosa which is designed to protect the body and its organs.
When this mucosa is broken down the mucous is free flowing in the blood thus covering cells thus causing oxygen deprivation within those cells.
Should this mucos enter the nose it is called Sinusitis.
Should it enter the bronchial tubes it is called Bronquitis.
If it goes to the lungs it is called a chest infection or Pneumonia.
When mucos goes to the prostate glands it called prostatitis.
When mucos goes to the uterus of a woman it is called endometriosis or vaginal discharge or a yeast infection.
So you can see here we have the same symptoms in different areas throughout the body and the Allopathic medical industry calls these,  different types of diseases when they are NOT!!
It’s the same for Alzheimers disease, Lymes disease, Heart disease, and Cancers as I’ve previously mentioned…
They are all acid and mucos related.
If you think Alzheimers disease and other dementias are just bad luck and or old age think again. These conditions are more so the effects of a lifetime of the consumption of inappropriate food choices often these choices are laced with toxic chemicals.
Let’s go back to the average persons life and see where a perfectly healthy baby ends up being diagnosed with stage 5/6 cancer at the age of 48.. (random number)
Assuming the Mother is healthy and eating a healthy diet then her breast milk will also be healthy.
As stated Babies can be born with serious illness which again are acid related due to the mothers acidic lifestyle choices.
It’s obviously not intentional but it is the case born from ignorance, as most people know nothing about true health and how the body works. (by design, of course)
So the baby is born, and the medical system highly recommends you have your baby v@ccinated due to all the invisible boogie men diseases which are out there ready to pounce on your new healthy baby.
So the medical staff being the experts and you being fearful for your baby’s health decide to go ahead with all v@ccinations.
These V@ccinations are the beginning of the end for many beautiful and healthy babies, teenagers and adults.
This protocol within the Allopathic medical industry is designed specifically with the intention of introducing you the individual or in this case the baby into the perpetual turnstiles of ill health and sickness.
This protocol comes from way above the oblivious doctors and nurses.
It stems from those whom own and control the medical colleges and books and these people, families, entities, corporations do NOT have you or your family’s best interests at heart and certainly not your newly born baby.
What’s the proof?
Go ask your doctor what the common what causes a cough? What causes sore throat? What cold is?,what causes a Cold? what a Flu is?, what causes a Flu? What is a Chest Infection? What causes a Chest Infection? what Cancer is?, what causes Cancer? what does a healthy diet consists of?, they DONT know what any of these symptoms are and they don’t know what causes them.
If they tell you it’s germs attacking that’s BS.
They are not Educated in true health..
Not by a long shot!
They are licensed drug dealers nothing more!
And the pHARMacies  are nothing more than stash houses full of Poisons for the dug cartel that is the Pharmaceutical Industry …
Doctors specialise in so-called “Cures” never Cause. Because they know nothing of causes. They no nothing about the Root of the problem. They never remove the cause or the root of the prthus the problem is never fully removed.
A chest “infection” is a detoxification event within the chest/lungs.
The body is not being attacked by anything. It is undergoing a cleaning event.
The doctor gives you antibiotics. Antibiotics kill bacteria that’s what they do. The bacteria are the janitors cleaning in the “infected” area. The bacteria are produced within the body by the body, they are the body.
So there’s a new poison in town killing bacteria so the body shuts down the cleaning event (detoxification) and focuses on this new invader which is attacking it.
The patient notices the cleaning event disappear (the infection) and perceives themselves to be cured. The antibiotics killed all the bodies bacteria which is not beneficial for healing.
But that’s not the case at all. Now not only was the body’s cleaning event interrupted but now there’s even more toxins in the body than before.
So back to the new born baby after receiving the v@ccinations!
As previously mentioned,   the mother decides to feed her baby  powdered milk from the store or pHARMacy.
So this man-made powdered milk is not natural and is not part of Nature therefore is not bio symbiotic with the human body.
Sure the body gets by because of its resilience, but at what cost?
I have already mentioned that Colds are the body’s natural detoxification response to an over acidic and toxic body.
How many of you have had babies with Colds?
Probably everyone!
So now the baby has a cold because it is being poisoned from this synthetic milk. The baby is vomiting regularly possibly, and has cold symptoms.
So now the baby is brought to our friend the doctor by a very concerned mammy.
So here we enter the 3rd phase of poisoning. The doctor recommends “Calpol” or similar in whatever part of the world your in.
“Calpol and paracetamol and ibuprofen based medicine is great to relieve Colds and coughs and soothes teething and is gentle on your baby’s delicate little tummy”
No! This stuff is again, Man-made synthetic poison and has a detrimental effect upon your baby’s health.
Calpol is always toxic and the body will never create a fever that the body cannot handle.  “The only danger arises when a fever is drugged or forced feeding occurs”.  A fever means the body is in a vulnerable state and so any additional poisons at this point can easily push a body over the edge.
**👉I understand it is used to reduce high temperatures and fever like conditions.
A body with a high temperature or a fever is a body going through detoxification.
The high temperature is used to burn off toxins and eliminate them through the pores of the skin (the 3rd kidney). A Fever is controlled by the body. The body does not kill itself.
Humanity is indoctrinated to think a Fever is like Colds Flus etc, attacking the body when it is not. Again the detoxification event is suppressed by man-made medicine… all the time the constant suppression is building acids and toxins within the body.**👈
(I as a father am guilty of the administration of these baby medicines as I believed the baby’s body needed help, I believed the baby’s body was under attack when it suffered Colds and Flus but I was wrong and ignorant at the time. Now I know the baby’s body was cleaning itself, a detoxification event brought on by incorrect diet again due to my ignorance as I believed these synthetic baby foods to be healthy choices, But now I KNOW better).
So if your baby has a cold then the baby needs to allow that cold to run its course because again as we’ve established a cold is a detoxification event conjured up within the body by the body for the benefit of the body … so NO toxic modern day medicines to suppress this symptom of dis-ease, this an all important detoxification event!
So the unknowing parent takes the baby to the doctor and or the pharmacist.
 These are the experts and we have been indoctrinated to believe they are Educated and Know whats best for our health and that of our baby.
After all they went to university for 5 or 7 years where they were educated to the highest standard!
No they were indoctrinated to the highest standard and there is a huge difference here.
So baby grows up and is being introduced to baby food on a spoon now, which comes from a jar,
which again is man-made synthetic poison.
Again we will see plenty more vomiting here, along with Colds and runny stinky nappies/dipers, all detoxification symptoms from the ingestion of said synthetic Poisons.
But the body will make do as it does but always at a Cost!
The child grows up through school primary and secondary and is literally loaded up with v@ccinations along the way.. how many is there these days? I’ve lost count 🤷‍♂️.
The child like us all is introduced to cooked foods for breakfast lunch and dinner, again most of this is processed junk never mind all the takeaway foods which are consumed along the way into early adulthood.
👉**BREAKFAST!! ☕️… The best meal of the day!
NO!! it’s the Worst meal of the day!!!
Because it a big hearty cooked breakfast which often contains Coffee not only cuts off the Elimination of toxins from the body which began while you were sleeping due to the switching on of the Eliminative cycle but that breakfast hit the body real hard first thing as its actually poisoning the body and adding again to the toxic build up within the body.
Allow the body to finish its Elimination cycle which is usually from 4am to 12pm. Try to eat no earlier than 10 am if possible. Elimination is paramount where health is concerned.
Break Fast gently and ease your body and Digestive system into gear with juicy fruits.
Melon is a wonderful way to start the day but it should be eaten on its own as it digests so quickly,  fast than other fruits..***👈
People have the perception that if you buy from a supermarket as opposed to a fast food outlet then it’s healthy.
Well that couldn’t be further from the truth because the so-called “food” sold in supermarkets is actually not food.
If its in a jar, a tin, a packet it’s not food fit for the human body.
If it has a list of ingredients, it’s not food!
So how much of the supermarket are we left with now?
The fruit and veg section and the meat counter!
All sliced packaged meat is completely processed and let’s not forget the dairy that is packaged and contains a list of ingredients.. yes this acidic mucos forming poison goes too 🚮..
I hear so much about grass fed cows and how health the milk is and the meat etc etc…
(I’ll cover this in a later post on protein)
Long story short here, the human body is not designed to consume and digest cooked foods!
Out of the 8 billion or so species on the plane-t we humans are the only species which cooks its food.
All other species consume their species appropriate diet RAW.
( Again I’ll get into this another day)
So our baby is now 25 year old and has had anything from 20 to 30 v@ccinations and has been on a diet of mainly poison up to now. Has had multiple colds, flus, sore throats “v!ruses” etc etc etc and of course has gone to the doc and pharmacy drug cartel to suppress each and every detoxification event. Thus holding a build up of acid and toxins from “foods” and medications all stored within the body…so a mainly acidic diet up to now and possibly having like most people fruit here and there as a snack.
The body makes do with this very poor diet as previously mentioned,  it is very versatile and uniquely resilient to abuse….But!!  All of this comes at a cost which is paid sooner or later in life..
Let’s push baby into its late 40s now…
So baby isn’t feeling well at the age of 48..
So our 48 year old goes to the “professionals/experts” and they do a scan and find that our 48 year old  has a cysts a bump a lump no they said its a Tumor!
So what is a Tumor?
Well simply put a Tumor is a bag built within the body by the body to encapsulate acid and toxins which the body had no choice but to store as it couldn’t keep up with the Elimination Process due to a constant intake of acids and toxins so the body kindly stashed out of the way in the hope that one day you will STOP CONSUMING and allow it to ELIMINATE this stored poison.
This is not an ideal scenario but the body makes do and does its best to protect the surrounding healthy cells.
When the indoctrinated experts within the Allopathic medical industry j@b these Tumors with their needles and then the body’s efforts of stored acid and toxins leak out thus causing major internal problems.
Extra burden on the body!
So now the experts have past on the bad news to our 48 year old friend that it’s cancerous.
But fear not because they have a state of the art cancer ward with wonderful facilities and the most up-to-date modern poison to stick in your arm which will quite possibly kill you or near enough.
If this treatment doesn’t kill you, and you pull through, then you will be left with the initial poison that was in your body in the first place, plus all the new poison which the experts have so generously afforded you with…
This is where relapses come in!!
And twice as bad and and can floor the patient..permanently!
And they will say they did their best 🤷‍♂️ and they did but in reality none of this treatment is beneficial to one’s health..quite the opposite in fact.
Chemotherapy has a Ph of about 2. It’s just above battery Acid hence why you may turn green or your hair falls out or your body simply cannot survive the poisonous “treatment”.
Cancer is acidic so why would you introduce an acid of around 2 into the body to “cure” it?
Remember the Ph scale is 1 to 14,  7 being neutral and the body and blood for optimal health operate at 7.35 to 7.4…
So how can adding this Chemo (acid) with a Ph of around 2 into your boold stream be beneficial to your health??
It most certainly is NOT beneficial at all.
And again (all by design)
So let’s say the experts say its stage 5 (ulceration) or stage 6 (Induration) to our friend and that chemotherapy is the solution..
– well I’ve just given you the possible scenarios.
Our 48 year old makes it but is left full of toxins with the possibility of a catastrophic relapse or they don’t make it (due to the treatment) not the cancer!
How many people do you know were diagnosed with cancer and refused treatment and went home to bed rested, fasted ate fruits and died from cancer versus how many chose the treatment and died as a result?  Because its the treatment that kills them. I know from personal experience. Maybe you have too…
(Stage 6 is usually where the body decides to take the cancer/acid/toxins ‘toxic material’ out of the blood and encapsulate it.
Stage 7 cancer is where the damaged toxic cells are no longer under the control of the body’s master system and begin to multiply and grow abnormaly.
This is due to 2 malfunctions occurring in the cell.  In normal cells, there is a process called contact inhibition, whereby the normal cell continues to grow until it touches or comes in contact with the neighboring cell, at which point its growth stops.   In a cancerous cell, the conditions surrounding the cell cause malfunction that results in the contact inhibition being faulty and the cell continues to grow past the point of contact.
The second malfunction is in the lifespan of a cell.  In a normal cell, there is a limited lifespan of the cell and when the cell is no longer functioning optimally the cell is recycled.
“…normal cell divides in two at a constant rate, then the two daughter cells into four, and so on, but along the road of reproduction some of the cells die at a constant rate equal to the rate of reproduction. Balance is therefore maintained. But not so for cancer cells. They do not have a finite life span. Nor do they die in the same proportion as those that reproduce.”
search – T.C. Fry.
In a normal healthy body, all cells are coordinating and working together for the greater good of the organism. In an abnormal cell, the conditions surrounding the cell are so toxic that the cell can no longer operate in coordination with other cells.   Its functions then become simplified to the basic survival of the individual cell, as opposed to the survival of the entire body.   The cell focuses only on its own survival of the entire body.   The cell focuses only on its own needs instead of being tied to the other cells and coordinating its actions.
Medicine says, the cancer cell is a virus that is attacking the body, while natural hygiene says, the cancer cell is the result of repeatedly damaging a normal cell through the repeated ingestion of toxic materials.   In the medical narrative, the solution to a virus is the application of poison to the body to kill the invading force. Meanwhile, the natural hygiene explanation says to remove the causes of injury and the body will stop being injured.
Medicine seeks to cut, poison, or burn the malfunctioning cells out of the body. This causes injury to the healthy cells along the way and forces the body further into the upper levels of disease. Medicine approaches the abnormally functioning cells with the idea that they can apply poison to the body to correct the abnormality.  The poisoning of a healthy cell would result in disease, but in medicine applying poison to a malfunctioning cell will return the cell to normal function.
Alternatively, the natural hygiene approach is to remove the causes of injury that led to the cells behaving abnormally and provide the conditions of health to allow the disease conditions to progress in the opposite direction.
Cancer is stage 6 or 7 of disease and medicine wants to add to the causes of progressive disease, keeping the body in stage 6 or pushing it to stage 7 while removing the symptoms which are the warning bells and whistles.   Natural hygiene wants you to listen to the warning bells and whistles and move your body from stage 6 or 7 back to stage 5, then 4, then 3, and onward until you return fully to completely normal operation of all cells.
👉But there are different Types of Cancers!!…..
Most of the different cancer labels simply indicate where in the body the cancer is found.  For example, leukemia is cancer cells forming in the bone marrow, Hodgkin Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system.
Then there is different levels.  Cancer starts out as a small area and if the cause of the bodies toxicity and waste backlog (the diet) is not corrected than the issue grows continuously and progressively larger, which is the Stage 1, Stage 2, etc label the medical industry gives us.
There are not really distinct stages, it’s subjective, based on the physicians choice but it makes it seem quite concrete to have each stage laid out.   Really it is progressive, not stages.👈
Search the by Lauren Whiteman for further information on the Truth of Cancer and true health.
As far as i am concerned the Natural Hygiene approach to True health and well-being is the only approach.
Our recently diagnosed 48 year old is better off going home and beginning a strategic plan of FASTING, RESTING and FRUIT CONSUMPTION in order to provide human body with the right conditions which allow it to perform the job it is designed to do.
My book discusses Fasting in detail but if planning a serious Fast to reverse a cancer then speak with Lauren Whiteman at or Matt Fu @ Matt 4 Mankind,
Mariah Mazza and Author of “Heal thy Self: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health”, these guys are the Real experts in relation to Natural Hygiene and true health.
The Medical industry has indoctrinated humanity in the thinking that the human body is useless and NEEDS the assistance of the Medical industry.
It does not!
Only in the circumstances as previously mentioned Trauma.
So now have you seen over the course of the 48 year olds life how acidic wastes and toxins have built up to form what the Allopathic medical industry refer to as Cancer!
And how the Allopathic medical industry suppresses the bodys natural detoxification events thus building up all the time until one day your body cannot function in a healthy and normal manner.
There is absolutely no need for anyone to build this level of dis-ease within their body except through IGNORANCE and or NEGLECT.
What people/Souls need to realise is that there is a major deception swirling all around them in this life from the day they are born into their vessels and until the day they leave their physical vessel behind.. death..
Imagine a pyramid or a triangle 🔺️ with us, you and me on the bottom and our ‘gubernments’ above us. Well there are many more layers of hierarchy above the ‘gubernments’ and they all work together to control the ebb and flow of the minds of humanity.
Most people are oblivious to it but I can assure you it’s there.
The book explains it in reasonable depth should you wish to know more. And you do need to!
The medical industry is just a small portion of the deception.
There are many many more layers to be seen and noticed thus solved if one wishes to truly Learn,  Know and Grow ✨️
👉***** If you are gathering a feeling of a them and us scenario from my posts then you are on the right track.
Let me put is simply!
The people whom are behind the manufacturing of v@ccinations are the same people whom are behind all your food supply within large chain supermarkets and they actually own all the large chain supermarkets and they are the very same people whom are behind the pHARMaceutical industry and The Allopathic medical industry and ALL Media platforms which advertise and promote “advice” on health etc etc.
They create the problem (poisonous foods, household cleaning chemicals,  personal toiletries, toothpaste, shampoos, conditioners, sprays, makeup etc etc etc and v@ccinations) then they wait at the other end to “save” you from your ailments by supplying you with even more poisons…
HEGALIAN DIALECTIC – controlling a group of people by convincing them there are 2 opposing forces at war whilst the Ruling Oligarchy controls both sides from behind the scenes in order to control any of the outcomes – create the problem – control the reaction – offer the solution. *****👈
REMEMBER! Disease cannot manifest within an Alkaline body.
Raw Fruits and Vegetables (Alkaline) some nuts and seeds and get yourself a table top Distiller for your tap water.
Fruits are anything with seeds so Tomatoes Peppers Cucumbers, squash, eggplant, zucchini etc etc…
I will talk of the slow transfer from cooked to RAW another time but for now just quickly…👇
Start by breaking fast every day with sweet juicy fruits and try not do this until as near to 10 am as possible so as to prolong the Elimination Process which switches on at night… usually 4am to 12pm. This is vital as this is when your toxins and acids are eliminated.
All cooked food is acidic!!!
Try not eat cooked foods until lunch and later bringing it to 4pm.
RAW till 4 will do you wonders 🌿
Again my book “Seeds of Truth Knowledge and Wisdom” has indepth material on all of the above  topics.
See Chapter –
“The Poisoning of Humanity”
Consider this very long post a brief summary…
I encourage All of you reading this post to do your own research and begin your own quest for Truth.
Question Everything!
 – John Crawford
Author of “Seeds of Truth Knowledge and Wisdom”

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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