My Health Blog

Fruit/Vegetable Recalls

by | Thu,Jan,2024 | Book release, mainstream news, Natural Hygiene, Nutrition, vegan

Food poisoning / Fruit/Vegetable Recalls

We are always hearing scary news stories about people becoming sick or dying from “salmonella” poisoning or “food” poisoning which creates fear, panic, food shortages and anxiety among the general public. 

So what is truly going on? First of all, I hope you realize by now that mainstream news outlets do not always report truth, they are there to serve a greater agenda that does not have the publics vested interests at heart. 

Please realize that even if the fruit or vegetable has bacteria on it, people are not going to die suddenly from eating it.  If a food is contaminated, a person may experience expulsion symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting to quickly eliminate any poisons from the body which is good.  The intelligent body rids itself of poisons quickly to save itself from damage – but where the problems begin is when someone that is experiencing expulsion symptoms seeks medical attention out of fear of those uncomfortable symptoms- instead of allowing the body to go through its natural healing processes. There’s nothing wrong with vomiting, puking and subsisting on water for a day or two until it clears but for most people it’s absolutely unheard of to just let the body do its thing uninterrupted.

Lauren’s insights 👇

“Once you are in the hands of medicine a simple expulsion can turn life-threatening simply by the nature of the treatments they apply.  For example, if they decide you are dehydrated they might give you a saline drip and destroy your kidneys or just outright kill you“ – Lauren Whiteman 

I’m not sure why people cannot grasp the fact that all drugs are poison and that they can cause death when administered to anyone.  If people only realized how many deaths are actually caused by antibiotics, Tylenol, or any seemingly harmless drug- they would be horrified – but because the MD states that the drug saved their life when they survive medical intervention, the drug takes the credit for life instead of the human body.  

When someone dies from medical drug poisoning, the MD states that they did all they could but the “bacteria/or whatever “ killed them – when in reality they were poisoned and treated to death. 

“If you eat foods that are inappropriate for your biology and physiology then you will cause your body to create expulsion symptoms.  

If you are eating foods that are rotten, either purposefully, like yogurt or sauerkraut or by accident then the body will expel those foods IF the body has enough vitality to do so.   

If you overburden your body with waste, your body will expel.

If you overindulge, your body will expel.  

If your body is full of backed up waste then your body will create E.Coli or Salmonella or any other shape of its own bacteria, created by your own Microzyma, (aka your DNA) out of your own healthy cells in order to survive in the acid filled wastelands you have created with your inappropriate dietary choices.   

E. Coli is just a healthy cell of yours which has changed form as a result of the terrain becoming acidic and the cell not being able to survive in its original form.   The bacteria is your Microzyma/DNA changing its housing structure essentially, in order to survive in the new dirtier environment.   

Salmonella is the same thing.  A healthy cell, put in an acidic waste burdened environment cannot survive in its healthy form, so the DNA changes the form of the cell from a healthy functional cell into a bacteria or a yeast, fungus, mold, etc in order to survive in the dirty terrain.” Lauren Whiteman 

We are told many stories repeatedly through the news and other propaganda outlets that solidify certain narratives in our mind that we come to believe as truth.  We think we know what is happening because the explanation given seems plausible and we hardly hear of anything else to the contrary.

🌴If you are interested in learning more, or how to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy & free from false information I invite you to join our ongoing, monthly NATURAL DIET Support Group.  It’s only $20 to join for the entire month, and we not only provide you with a getting started guide filled with recipes & healthy tips but Lauren, Nat or myself share daily informative posts & offer unlimited Q&A in the group.  The next group begins January 1-2024! We typically have anywhere from 50-100 people join each month.  I’ll leave links to join our private group in the comments below.

🌞If you would like to support my work, or read more about our Natural Diet & true health, pick up a copy of my book titled

 “Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health” 

It’s available on Amazon (or I can mail you a copy) I’ll leave the links to purchase in the comments below 👇 

Thanks everyone 

Mariah / Maria 🥝 Heal Thyself

                                 Healthy Self…

🟣Maria Manazza, Health coach & Author of :

 “Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health” 

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About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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