My Health Blog

Hello, below Ill write out a small paragraph authored by Herbert Shelton which got me thinking about the lifespan of humans.  I think it is important to have the awareness that depending on our individual past choices, and our current choices, we create our lifespan, and in turn, our expiration dates.  We possess the power to lengthen, or to shorten our lives through our daily choices.

When someone that’s been on a high fruit diet, or a raw diet that pays extra attention to their health in the best way that they know how passes away relatively young, I often hear people attempting to use their perceived untimely death as proof that the healthy foods for example do not “work”.


They do not know how much life force was allotted to that individual from day 1.  They do not know how much life force that individual possessed based on their entire life up until they died, including the genetic weaknesses they inherited before their “health promoting” habits began.  For all we know, they could have extended their life exponentially due to the adoption of healthy habits before it was too late.

I’m just saying that we can’t point to one moment in time to blame for another moment in time.  Positive & negative, balancing, ever changing, evolving or devolving, every factor in our life plays a role in prolonging or lessening our lifespan. I once heard someone compare to our individual lifespan to a bank account because on the daily, we can either make withdraws, or deposits on the daily to our longevity account depending on our daily choices.  We do the best that we possibly can through learning and applying that which we feel is best for ourselves and on a lot of levels, it really comes down to intuition.  Being in tune with our own individual needs, because no one else can tell anyone exactly when to eat, how much to eat, when its best to close our eyes to repair nerve energy, how much water to drink and when, how much exercise to engage in and what type, what to think, how to think, etc. these are all individual decisions that cannot be based on what someone else does because there are more unforeseen factors that must be factored in, that do not get factored in.  We must figure these factors out for ourselves because they all slightly vary from one individual to another.

Life is ever-changing, nature operates slowly, nothing is ever stagnant, it takes many years to develop poor health – symptoms are the result of that development and they do not just suddenly appear out of nowhere, they develop and there is a reason for everything we experience, even if we have trouble figuring out exactly what the reasons are. It takes many years to build great health, this is why I think that we have many days in a lifetime, many years, they are all individual chances to build something great, or not.

Working alongside others to help them gain their lost health comes with its own sets of challenges.  The main challenge is helping that individual to see that there is no specific diet or menus to follow.  Building our health requires an ongoing commitment to making the best possible decisions, and choices, on the daily, and it’s different for everyone.  We must learn which foods are health promoting, which foods build disease and to not overdo anything.  There are foods that so many people believe are health promoting- which are not, and if we get the dietary wrong, we do ourselves a disservice.  It’s just so unfortunate that there are a ton of health groups that try to promote health, yet they are harming people overtime with their recommendations – they mean well, they do not want to harm people, yet they are, and this is precisely why It’s important to become in tune with yourself, to listen to what you need because if you follow the way someone else eats, or appears to live, you will likely run into unforeseen issues overtime.

Other factors to consider and this is such a grey area.

We are mislead to the highest degree in all area’s of life, especially when it comes to how to care for the human body, and what a health promoting life requires.  I’ve noticed some unhealthy practices, and recommendations, in every health group that I’ve been apart of over the years.  I do not think that there is any specific health group that has cracked the entire health/ longevity puzzle.  I will go into more detail as to what I feel these mistakes are another time, it’s a very sensitive topic.  Not all of it is intentional, it’s just the way we’ve interpreted and carried on over generations.

The one question I get often is “why is health so complicated”?  Shouldn’t it be easy to figure out how to properly feed, and care, for the human body?

I think it was easy and we didn’t have to think about our health at all – long ago.  I think that with each small violation of Natural Law, overtime, we built very unhealthy habits that we may perceive as healthy today.  Additionally, as the body accumulates, and builds toxicity within, this sets up a domino effect where that individual will continue to make choices that are not always in the best interest of their health because the body craves that which it is made up with.  When toxins come into circulation for elimination, we often crave the foods that were associated with the accumulation of those toxins to begin with.  It takes strength, motivation and correct knowledge to break unhealthy cycles.

I think I’ve written enough now, it’s getting close to noon.  Here is a couple paragraphs from “Cancer does not attack.  Cancer evolves”. – Dr. Herbert Shelton 1895-1985. Founder of Natural Hygiene.

“The seven Stages of disease”

Stage 1:

“Enervation – This is the first step of disease.  When our nerve energy becomes overdrawn to the point where the body is no longer able to eliminate the toxic by-product of metabolism.  Enervation can occur when the body does not generate enough nerve energy for the many tasks the body must perform, or the tasks the body must perform is greater than the normal nerve energy supply can cope with.  Think about life as a lightbulb.

There are so many hours of life then life goes out.  We can use our life energy to eat, drink, work, play, have loving relationships or we can use our life energy to do all the above plus deal with clearing smoke out of our lungs, alcohol out of our liver, chemo out of our bloodstream, processing acidic no biological cooked animal foods or chemical laden artificial foods out of our cells.

With digestion taking more energy from us than a marathon run, it becomes apparent that simple biological eating and drinking is a key to longevity.  It really is our choice to use life energy for a happy, balanced life with our loved ones or to use life energy to cope with life robbing habits like constant eating and being always in digestion mode, or abusing artificial stimulants and forcing the body into trying to keep us in homeostasis or even taxing the body with excess exercise or patterns of improper sleep which keep us from recharging.”

Mariah Heal ThySelf



About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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