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The True Healing Art By R.T. Trall – Continued!

by | Fri,May,2021 | Detox, Detoxification, Fasting, Health, Iridology, Nutrition


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

If you haven’t read from the beginning of the book (post #1), I am posting this book in small increments – feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel to listen to this book as I read…

Post #9

“ In approaching the argument, allow me, firstly, to call your attention to certain facts which may tend to convince you that the philosophy of my subject (if, indeed, it has a philosophy), is worth worthy of your profound just attention; 

and which will, moreover, explain why I am so glad of this opportunity to speak before the learned men and the honoured servants of the American people, and through them to the nation, and through the nation to the whole civilized world. 

And I especially invite and solicit the attention of medical men of all the Drug Schools. I shall controvert all of their fundamental dogmas; deny all of their pretended science; challenge all of their philosophy; and condemn nearly all of their practice. 

If I know myself, I have no motive, no desire, no interest in this discussion, save the advancement of truth. And I ask medical gentleman to hear me through, and take exceptions to every word I utter amiss, and to state their objections to whatever I affirm which they deem erroneous, As frankly and as publicly as I express my opinions. 

In this intellectual as well as commercial age, most people prefer to reason inductively – to construct principles from facts – rather than to deduce facts from theories. I will, therefore, refer to certain historical data in the shape of “fixed facts”, which go to prove, in a general sense, The propositions I have announced, and afterword proceed to develop the principles which underlie them, and the premises which explain them. 

And here it becomes necessary for me to make a brief introduction to my preface.  I must indicate the groundwork of my whole argument, that you may be the better able to judge, as I go along, whether the facts and the logic which I shall adduce, agree or disagree with my premises and my conclusions.

I charge, and shall undertake to prove – nay, I shall prove, for it is true, and I have the evidence – that the regular medical profession, in all of its standard authorities, text books and schools, and an all its current periodicals, and in all of its floating literature, and in all its history, and in all the lectures of its living authors, teaches – 

  1. A False doctrine of the nature of disease.
  2. A false doctrine of the action of remedies.
  3. A false theory of vitality.
  4. A false theory of the vis Medicatrix Naturae.
  5. A False doctrine of the relations of the disease and the Vis Medicatrix Naturae.
  6. A false doctrine of the relations of remedies to diseases.
  7. A False doctrine of the relation of disease to the vital functions.
  8. A False doctrine of the relations of remedies to the healthy structures.
  9. A False theory of the relations of organic and inorganic matter.
  10. A False doctrine of diseases in relation to their causes and effects.
  11. A False doctrine of the law of cure.
  12. A False doctrine of the nature and source of remedies”.

My Thoughts: 

I suppose his first mistake was presenting his health knowledge and findings to the “enemy” so to speak… there was no interest in natural healing & what he uncovered because there was no way to capitalize, profit, or gain control over people’s lives when actually helping them to heal their health issues.  

The medical & pharmaceutical industry have never been about health and healing- rather, it was actually designed & created to prolong, & perpetuate sickness and disease under the guise of public health…Pharmaceutical Drugs harm & create disease.

I know that statement sounds harsh, because a lot of good people become doctors, nurses, surgeons, etc., yet they learn a lot of wrong information which serves to harms people without  realization on their part, because they’ve got specific, harmful protocols to follow & they are not permitted to think (or do) outside the box..

The highway to hell is paved with good intentions.

Here was a brilliant man presenting truth to the wrong crowd, wolves in sheep’s clothing …

The enemy cannot ever be defeated if one cannot recognize who the enemy is…This statement is very relevant with today’s scenario.

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thyself 

Post #10

“ These propositions comprehend all the premises of Medical Science; all the principles of the Healing Art. Each is fundamental. Without an exact knowledge of the truth of each, the physician can have no true medical science, no rational nor successful practice.

All must be presumption or assumption in theory, and empirical or experimental in practice. His theory will amount to a little more than technical gibberish- “incoherent expressions of incoherent ideas;” and his practice, “blind experiments on the vitality of the patient.”

But to the facts.

It is well known that, in various periods of the world’s history, and in various parts of this and of other countries, physicians of close observation and long experience, whose lives were consecrated to the relief of suffering humanity with honest zeal and tireless assiduity, have become convinced, fully and thoroughly convinced, that medicines do not care patients; that they hinder more than they assist Natures process of cure, and that they are more injurious than useful in all diseases.

A still greater number of practitioners have come to the same conclusion with regard to particular diseases, for example, scarlet fever, croup, cholera , diphtheria, pneumonia, rheumatism, measles, dysentery, smallpox, and all forms of typhoid fever; and in every instance when they have discontinued all medicine – everything in the shape of drug or apothecary stuff – and relied wholly on Hygiene, their success has been remarkably increased. To this testimony I believe there is no exception on all the earth and all the ages”.


It’s a tough sell.  People are programmed to always “take something for something”, no matter what is wrong with them.   Try suggesting to someone that they are likely better off health wise taking NOTHING for their symptoms.  Try suggesting that if it’s possible, to ride the pain out & to just rest and wait it out.  This type of advice doesn’t fly, not in today’s world, I know, because I get messages on the daily with people asking me what they think they should take for their symptoms.  

I don’t tell anyone what to do.  I only share with them what I would likely do if I were in their particular situation.  For myself, I was once that girl that took a pill for every headache, hangover, poor sleep, etc., however, for the past 8 years, I’ve been riding out any symptoms that arise naturally, without any pill, vitamin, supplement, etc…. I’ve gone through some almost unbearable pain.

less is more, and when the body has something to heal, the last thing the body needs is a bunch of excess chemistry and substances suppressing one’s symptoms getting in the way of that- the body is attempting to eliminate & heal and there is no sense in stifling the body’s efforts.  

The only issue is, we as a whole are so conditioned to find something to take and that is one of our biggest downfalls – I try to do as the animals do, I find a comfortable place to lie down, preferably outside on the grass (if it’s nice enough out), and wait until Nature has run its course… But that’s just me, each to their own!! 

If the pain becomes so unbearable, I am not beyond recommending quality, organic, non gov. (They cut corners/Gmo)CBD oil … 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880!

Post #11

“ More than 200 physicians of the United States have written me, within ten years, that they were entirely convinced that drug medicines were worse than useless, and that they had wholly discontinued their employment;

and everyone of them testifies to better success in the treatment of all forms of disease. 

And thousands of fathers and mothers have written me that they had discarded all drug medicines, never employing drug doctors except to get their opinions as to the name or nature of the disease; 

and that by means of such information as they could obtain from the “Hydropathic Encyclopedia”,  they had been enabled to cure themselves and families without ruining their constitutions by a course of drug medicine -poisoning. 

And these are growing sentiments among physicians and people, and surely they mean something. 

Nearly all of the diseases to which flesh is heir have been regarded by certain distinguished medical men as better left to Nature then treated with drugs. 

But I must not detain you too long, and I will limit my remarks on this point, and my citation of authorities, mainly to the diseases which are just now of especial interest to the audience before me – diseases which constitute the chief sources of mortality in our armies. 

I have publicly announced that the system of Hygienic Medication which I teach and practice, and which I claim to be the True System of the Healing Art, would, if applied to the treatment of typhoid fevers, pneumonia, measles and dysentery , so prevalent in our camps and hospitals, save to our country the lives of thousands of our officers and soldiers, and to our treasury millions of money. 

And although I am no friend to sensational literaturo nor sensational advertising, yet when words of modesty and candor cannot be heard amid the “noise and confusion” of the times, and when all ears are intently listening to the din of preparation for, and when all minds are momentarlly expecing the crash of, 

Battles magnificently stern array, 

the necessity of the occasion may perhaps justify the means. I was quite in earnest in my endeavours to attract the attention of “the powers that be” in Washington, and the notice of the professors of the medical college here, and the criticisms of the scientific men of this noble institution.

I knew that I had truths, great truths to utter; and I knew that if I could, by any announcement, secure a hearing from them, the result could hardly fail to be such as would rejoice the heart of every philanthropist in the land. 

For this reason it was that I sent letters and circulars and books to the President, Secretary of State, and secretaries of the treasury, war, and Navy. To these I received no response. I did not expect any. But I felt my mission to be important, and it seemed to be my duty to leave no means untried to accomplish it. I intend to make all of my statements good; and now to the proof:”


The reasons that drug medications of any sort have remained as a primary (false) protocol is because nobody can truly prove one way or another with how drug medications are actually affecting the individual.  

We cannot see within.  The symptoms & signals the body puts forth are commonly misinterpreted.  Taking drug medications is based on complete trust in that which the Doctor says is taking place within.  Even if a patient dies, it isn’t easy to prove one way or another, the Doctor always has PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY to depend upon.  

Today, In Europe, blot clots are occurring in a large amount of individuals after taking the needle jab… Yet after “investigations “ they’ve determined that these clots have nothing to do with the needle jab, so, the only thing left to do is to trust them and to continue on with the needle jab right? After all, the doctor knows best … Blind Faith.  Complete Trust. 

This is precisely why learning the truth – which is found in terrain model, as opposed to “germ theory” (medical doctors subscribe to germ theory) is of utmost importance.  

The very foundation for the creation of all medical drugs are based upon Germ Theory, if germ theory is proven to be wrong, everything that comes thereafter is false as well.  All medical drug poisoning relies upon germ theory being correct .

The human body requires rest, less chemistry, optimal environmental conditions, species appropriate foods, digestive rest (fasting when appropriate) if it is to heal.  

How can one expect the body to heal & eliminate toxins when potent, concentrated, drug medications are being introduced within at regular intervals? Drug medications are hostile to an already compromised internal condition.   It’s an impossibly that drug medications can offer any benefit whatsoever, and once one realizes these truths, the very idea of drug medication will seem ludicrous- yet the general population remains in a trance, submitting to all recommendations that doctors have to offer – despite the fact that their educational background is based upon false knowledge… Because drug medications suppress symptoms (while creating additional issues) the falsities that they act as healing agents has gained a foothold for the continued use of drug medications.

The terrain is everything, and once the individual learns this, and lives in accordance with Natural Law, the germ is nothing.  

I suppose it’s a lot easier to believe, & to follow the lie because everyone else is doing it, and the pain & realizations that would follow countless families & individuals upon learning the truth would be too much to bare.  

It’s easier to remain asleep, and to let others with degrees do the thinking.  

Mariah 🍇 Heal Thyself 

 Post #12

Lets get started!

“ professor Austin Flint, M.D.,of the New York Medical College , and physician to one of the large hospitals of our city, said, a few weeks since, in a clinical lecture to his class of medical students, that, in treating pneumonia in the hospitals, he did not give any medicine at all.

In the hospitals, Mark you! 

But how in private families? 

‘There,” said the professor, “it would not do to refuse to prescribe medicine”.  Would not do? Why not? We will see presently. 

Dr. Flint loses no patients in the hospitals. In private families the deaths of pneumonia in the city of New York or 30 or 40 per week. 

Professor B.F. Parker, of the New York Medical College, said, not long since, to a medical class:  “I have recently given no medicine in the treatment of measles and scarlet fever, and I have had excellent success”. 

Dr. snow, health officer of Providence, R. I., Two years ago, reported for the information of his professional brethren, through the Boston medical and surgical journal, that he had treated all the cases of small-pox, which had prevailed endemically in that city, without a particle of medicine, and that all of the cases -some of which were very grave ones -recovered. 

Dr. John Bell, professor of materia Medica in one of the Philadelphia colleges, and also in the medical college of Baltimore, testifies, in a work which he has published (“bells on baths”), that he and others have treated many cases of scarlet fever with bathing, and without medicines of any kind, and without losing a patient. 

Dr. AMES, of Montgomery, Alabama, a few years since published, in the New Orleans medical and surgical journal, his experience and observations in the treatment of pneumonia. He had been led to notice, for many years, that patients who were treated with the ordinary remedies – bleeding, mercury, and antimony – presented certain complications which always aggravated the malady , and rendered convalescence more lingering and recovery less complete. 

Such patients were always liable to collapse and relapse; to “run into typhoid;” to sink suddenly, and die very unexpectedly. 

He noticed particularly that patients who took calomel and antimony were found, on post-mortem examinations, do you have serious and even fatal inflammation of the stomach and small intestines, attended with great prostration, delirium, and other symptoms of drug poisoning. 

These “complications” were nothing more nor less than drug diseases. 

And Dr. Ames found, on changing his plan of treatment to milder and simpler remedies, that he lost no patients”.


“Drug Diseases”, somehow this regular occurrence is never discussed, or acknowledged in the medical world-  for that would be an omission of wrong doing on their part, and even though “medical error” is currently the 3rd leading cause of death in N America (arguably the 2nd or 1st when considering that the other causes such as heart disease enlist in their services as well), we commoners are not permitted to learn exactly how, or why, because to remove their drug medications from the treatment equation, would be to remove them from profiting off our ignorance.  

Please, the single most important thing that you can do for yourself & for the whole – is to keep yourself in good health, say no to the poison foods so that you do not end up in one of their “finishing houses” (hospitals), soon to be another statistic if you do not live through their “treatments “. 

Mariah 🍒 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self… 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #13

“ And here a remark made by a veterinary surgeon of some celebrity, Dr. Youatt, is illustrative and significant. The Doctor has recently published a large volume on the diseases of that noble animal, the horse – a work, I fear, no reasonable beast will have any reason to thank him for.

Horse doctor Youatt gets his ideas for treating pneumonia in the horse from the Allopathic materia Medica.

He proposes to manage the animal when suffering of inflammation of the lungs, as the human doctors do their fellow beings when sick of the same a lot malady – with bleeding, blisters, salts, calomel, and antimony.

Well, the animal goes through the disease and the treatment, or the disease and the treatment go through the animal, and the animal either lives or dies. 

If the poor horse happens to survive the disease and the treatment, Dr. Youatt advises the owner to get rid of him as soon as he can; 

“for”, says the professor of Equine Pathology, “after having the pneumonia once, he will always be feeble, and very liable to relapses”. 

The same remark, as two feebleness and relapses, will just as well apply to a man treated in a similar manner. 

I have known several Allopathic physicians who, seeing or believing that the ordinary remedies, instead of helping the patient to live, assisted him to die, have abandoned all strong medicines, and from that hour have lost no patients.

The late Professor Wm Tully, M.D., of yale College, and of the Vermont Academy of medicine at Castleton, VT., Informed his medical class, when I attended his lectures, that some years previous the typhoid pneumonia was so fatal in some places in the valley of the Connecticut River, that the people became suspicious that the physicians were doing more harm than good; and in their desperation they actually combined against the doctors and refused to employ them at all ; “after which,” said Professor Tully, “no deaths occurred”.  

 And I might add, as an historical incident of some pertinency in this place, that regular physicians were once banished from Rome, so fatal did their practice seem, so far as the people could judge of it”.


Are we living in the dark ages or what? 

Here we are, living in the 21st century, and suffering more than ever –  from mass ignorance & disease issues.  

Not a day goes by that I am not completely blown away with how far we’ve strayed from our natural ways of life & understanding with how Nature works.  

As a collective, we are edging closer to disaster of epic proportions – we’ve got the majority that do not understand how disease develops, they think they “catch it” from other humans, and as a result they are seeking needles, masks, & highly toxic products such as hand sanitizers – while continuing to eat  disease forming foods – believing that diet has no effect on overall health!!

How utterly insane!! 

It’s the poor medical procedures, harmful measures, advice and pharmaceutical products that continue to wreak havoc upon the overall health of humanity, and hardly anyone is the wiser… 

yes, we ARE living in the dark ages , under the guise of “scientific advancement “ we are so lost, so on the wrong path …  

Hopefully people do wake up before it’s too late, that’s the only way to change directions for the better.

Mariah 🍒 Heal Thyself 



By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880!

Post #14

“ So long ago as my earliest school – boy days -and that was not very long ago, for I do not confess to being an old man yet – the advent and career of our district school teacher made an impression on my mind which induced me to study medicine much more critically and suspiciously than I would otherwise have done.

Western New York was then sparsely populated, and there was no doctor within a dozen or fifteen miles.

But people were sick. Agues prevailed. Colds and coughs were as common as rain, sleet, and slosh.

Pneumonia and influenza‘s were every-day affairs.  Whooping – cough‘s, mumps, and measles were as plenty as blackberries; and bilious, inflammatory, and even typhoid fever‘s, with now and then a case of rheumatism, were well known and duly appreciated. 

But nobody died. Many persons were very sick, but somehow or other all came out well and sound in the end. 

Catnip teas,  hemlock sweats,  warm water for the feet, and gruel for the stomach and bowels, seem to be infallible in all cases.  

No doctors were to be had,  and nurses were obliged to rely on domestic remedies and common – sense at appliances alone. And children were born. It was dreadful to be without a doctor, but, strange to say, all the mothers persisted in getting along “as well as could be expected”. 

But one death occurred in the town for for years, and that was the case of an old man who froze to death on a bitter cold December night. The rum -fiend, however, had to do with his death. 

At length, as the country settled around, a stranger of good address came along and offered to teach the village school. He was employed.  It was soon noised abroad that he was a doctor. How fortunate! At this time colds, and pneumonia‘s, and influenza‘s, and pleurisies were prevalent. 

The school -teacher soon began to visit patients out of school hours, and the calls for his professional services became so frequent and urgent that he was obliged to relinquish teaching in the middle of the term and devoted himself night and day to doctoring. 

Then it was the people began to die. 

I soon became familiar with funerals, and in a few years, cripples and bedridden women were numerous in the neighborhood. 

Three Of my father’s family – my mother and two brothers – for some slight in indisposition, called the doctor; and neither of them ever saw a well day afterward. 

These things I noticed then and wondered. Now I think I can understand and explain them”.


I’m keeping my thoughts to myself today… lol 

Mariah 🍓 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self …


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #15

“ I have myself, during the sixteen years that I have practised the Hygienic Medical System, treated all forms and hundreds of cases of typhus and typhoid fevers, pneumonia‘s, measles, and dysenteries, and have not lost a patient of either one of these in diseases.

And the same is true of Scarlet and other fevers. And several of the graduates of my school have treated these cases for years, and none of them, so far as I know or have heard, have ever lost a patient when they were called in the first instance, and no medicine what ever had been given.

I fear there is too much truth in the statement of Professor BF Barker, MD, of the New York Medical College: 

“The remedies which are administered for the cure of measles, Scarlet fever, and other self-limited diseases, kill far more than those diseases do.”

During a recent tour of the West, I have seen the graduates or practitioners of our school, who reside in Peoria and Aurora, Ill., Iowa city, Wabash, and Huntington, Ind.,, and Dayton, Ohio, all of whom give the same testimony. 

Deaths of these diseases are frequent all around them; but none of them have yet lost a patient. 

The great Magendie, of France, Who died two years ago, and he long stood at the very head of physiology and pathology in the French Academy – which, by the way, has claimed to be, and perhaps is, the most learned body of men in the world – performed this experiment. 

He divided the patients of one of the large Paris hospitals into three classes. To one he prescribed the common remedies of the books. To the second he administered only the common simples of domestic practice. And to the third class he gave no medicine at all. 

The result was, those who took less medicine did better than those Who took more, and those who took no medicine did the best of all. 

Magendie also divided his typhoid – fever patients into two classes, to one of whom he prescribed the ordinary remedies, and to the other no medicines at all, relying wholly on such nursing and such attention to Hygiene as a vital instincts demanded and common sense suggested. 

Of the patients who were treated the usual way, he lost the usual proportion, about one-fourth.  And of those who took no medicine, he lost none. And what opinion has Magendie left on record of the popular healing art? 

He said to his medical class, “Gentlemen, medicine is a great humbug.”


Now I feel that I must look further into this Magendie character because I read about him (briefly) in other literature where it was said that Francis Magendie of France conducted a sadistic experiment on Dogs – which entailed groups of dogs, starving dogs, feeding some dogs high protein diets – while feeding other dogs different diets… 

long story short, Magendie determined in his horrible dog experiments that humans need to eat high protein diets to maintain health because some of the dogs died that were not eating high protein diets … 

imagine, one man changing the course of humanity & influencing their eating habits based on some sadistic experiments on dogs in the 1800’s? 

I had assumed, when I read about Magendie long ago, that he was a “evil man” because of his experiments / findings causing humans to adopt the belief that high protein diets are healthy (and parroting this misinformation or centuries) which they are not, high protein diets build health issues overtime, we know this now… 

In Trall’s writings here, Magendie is still doing experiments, using people and/or animals, yet his findings, or conclusions seem decent, not harmful.  

I wrote a post long ago on the high protein diet craze, while mentioning this Magendie characters supposed findings, I’ll paste is below…

Here it is, more to read! I wrote this years ago…

A cruel & unusual experiment resulting in “theory” which 

Humanity adopted as truth….

Here on planet earth, a theory can become truth in the minds of the general population… if enough articles, scientific papers and media focus repeat a theory as truth, it may become so, without ever truly being proven.

take the “protein theory” for example… it was never proven as fact, yet most view it as truth, as fact… 

I have more research to do but from what I’ve uncovered, back in the early 1800s a guy named Francis Magendie (die?) Conducted a protein experiment on (canines) Dogs to determine humans dietary needs…

From my understanding, he had a bunch of dogs and even rabbits to which he injected proteins into their blood…many rabbits died instantly after a single injection of egg albumin and many dogs did okay from having proteins injected into their blood… After sometime the dogs who no longer received protein in the blood got sick and died…in my opinion the dogs died because the body was dealing with the toxins- and once removing them suddenly the dogs body went into serious detoxification/elimination mode…. 

In a nutshell this is how Francois determined that humans must have regular “high protein” foods in their diets – or they will die…

If this “brilliant” man understood why the dogs died after removing the proteins from the delicate blood system, humanity would likely be eating differently for the last 200 years.  Humanity was led astray.

Keep in mind… this is an experiment involving DOGS… and the proteins were injected, not eaten…and even if they were introduced through the digestive tract, they are dogs with a completely different physiology and dietary requirements…how absurd!!!

Often when we take a closer look with how our traditions and habits come about, shocking revelations come to light…

High protein diets would be extremely difficult to maintain in a natural setting – this should be a clue, combined with the fact that humans have been ingesting high protein diets now for about 200 years… how is humanities health doing? Is cancer & diabetes and a million other diet diseases running rampant?

Aside from the protein content that fruits and veggies offer, I haven’t had any high protein foods in over 8 months (8 years now that I am re-reading this)!… shouldn’t I be dead? I transitioned myself slowly from my previous diet of high protein animal products which during that time – I was as sick as a dog – pardon the pun!

Isn’t it quite amazing… there is a price we must pay in the form of bodily deterioration & acidification for ingesting the flesh, or the milks of another animal?… and nobody is exempt … natural law…there seems to have no other word for it, other than “karma”… our payback, or our reward, is built right into the chemistry of our dietary choices… 

When we speak in terms of “food”…

We may be speaking different languages…

For I do not consider Dead animal flesh, milks or eggs as “food”…

The word “Food” insinuates  “nourishment” for the body…

The above mentioned is not “nourishing” and has a acidic effect on the body… high protein food, especially animal flesh & products degenerate the human body overtime…

Food for thought!

  • wow, old post, I wrote this when I was 8 months in on completely changing my diet & lifestyle for a healthier version …Here I am, 8 years later, still on this rewarding path! 

Mariah 🍓 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self …


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #16

Lets Continue…

“ Who has not heard of Dr. Jennings, now of Oberlin, Ohio? 

Some years ago he practised medicine in Derby, conn.  Being a close observer and a very conscientious man, and, with withal, some thing of a philanthropist, he became a “reformer”, and what all true reformers must be in the worlds estimation, a “radical”, an “ultraist,” a “one -idealist,” a “fanatic,” etc. 

He became fully convinced that the system of drug medication was all wrong; that drugs, instead of curing persons, or aiding Nature to cure them, really hindered the cure, or changed the primary malady to a drug disease as bad or worse; and to put the matter to the proof, he practised for several years without giving a particle of medicine of any kind. 

But his patients did not know it. 

The people did not mistrust that they were humbugged out of their diseases; 

cheated into health ; 

deceived into saving the greater part of their doctor’s bills, all of their apothecary’s bills, and the better part of their constitutions. 

Under Dr. Jennings’ administration, diseases seemed to have lost all of their malignancy and danger, and to have assumed a singularly mild and manageable form, type, and diathesis. 

He gave harmless placebos – coloured water, sugar pellets, and starch powders, to keep up confidence and furnish the mind with some charm of mysteriousness to rest it’s faith upon; 

and then he directed such attention to Hygienic conditions as would enable Nature to work the cure in the best possible manner and in the shortest possible time. 

His success was remarkable. His fame extended far and wide. The praises of his wonderful skill were heard and all the region roundabout. 

In a few years, having conclusively demonstrated the principle involved, he disclosed to his medical brethren the secret of his extraordinary success. 

And do you not think that they were all Swift to adopt the no- medicine plan of Dr. Jennings? 

Not quite – no, not one of them. 

Dr. Jennings has not at this day a single disciple, perhaps, in all Connecticut. 

The Connecticut doctors all thought, doubtless, with Dr. Flint, of New York, “This no-medicine plan may do in public hospitals, but it will never answer in private families. It may do for Dr. Jennings or for the people, but will never answer for us”.


That’s the problem with the truth & actual Natural Healing (no supplements, pharmaceuticals, vitamins, pills, powders, isolates, etc.) there’s no money in it… 

And the censorship we currently live under is designed to suppress the truth (under the guise of protecting people from lies) so that the untruths can continue to build an empire of confusion unchallenged… 

A medical doctor relies on the pharmaceuticals (and unnecessary surgeries & procedures) to draw an income, it would be inconceivable to prescribe absolutely nothing except for a complete return to Nature – the empire would crumble, the lies would come to light & the world would change. 

Mariah 🍇 Heal Thyself 

                      Healthy Self…


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #17

“ And the “Matchless Sanative!” Who has not known of it’s marvellous cures? Twenty-five or thirty years ago it was all the rage in some places.

I have seen many chronic invalids who had worn out half a dozen regular physicians, and swallowed the whole round of patent nostrums;  but nothing ever did them so much good as the “Matchless Sanative.”

Well, it was a matchless medicine.  It was the very best remedy, as a universal panacea, ever sold to an afflicted mortal at an extravagant price, for it was pure water, and nothing else. 

The price was only two and a half dollars per half ounce! 

And our friends the Homeopathists.  They treat the gravest forms of disease with almost no medicine at all. 

They come as near to non-entity as possible and miss it. Their remedies, when prescribed Hahnemannically, may be represented for all practical purposes by the formulary of the solution of the shadow of a shade of nothing at all, to begin with. 

One allopathic dose of magnesia or cod liver oil, diffused through a body of water which would fill all the ethereal space from the earth’s surface to the furthest star within the reach of telescopic vision, and one millionth part of a drop of this vast expanse of fluid for a dose, would not exaggerate the idea of the “pathogenic” potency of the infinitesimal pharmacology, however much it might transcend the grasp of the human imagination. 

And are not the Homeopathists quite as successful as are their rivals, the Allopaths, in the treatment of disease? 

Let their rapidly increasing numbers, and their employment in the families of so many thousands of the wealthy and intelligent, answer. 

This is not because the people believe in Homeopathy more, but because they fear it less”.

My Thoughts: 

I’m just amazed that the majority still trusts in Allopathic “medicine” when every pharmaceutical has a very long list of potential serious side effects & those are merely the side effects that they are required to list because they’ve occurred & were reported, but what about the unseen & unreported side effects? 

We should all be very afraid of all pharmaceuticals, very afraid, I know I am, but that’s only because I experienced major pharmaceutical damage & side effects in the past- it took years to heal and reverse the damage I had unwittingly inflicted upon myself through pharmaceutical use earlier in my life.  

I was prescribed strong painkillers, sleeping pills, birth control, antibiotics, etc., I suffered damage & a reaction of “temporary paralysis” from a Hep B Vax which changed my life.  I have a friend who was in a coma for an entire year from a vaxxine.  

I once used Advil & Tylenol regularly to avoid daily headaches brought on by poor dietary/lifestyle choices… Its easy to get trapped in a vicious cycle of using suppression to avoid painful elimination and the only way out is to face the inevitable pain through detoxification & healing …

When pharmaceuticals are stored in the body, it is wise to release the toxins associated with this accumulated waste slowly – which is why a transition diet is so important… 

Until the pharmaceuticals are eliminated entirely, healing can’t occur.  This also goes for vitamins, supplements, pills, powders, isolates, concentrates, etc.   The body is designed for whole foods in their natural form.  For healing & health, we want to get to the point of simplicity & down to whole fresh foods only.  It’s ideal to titrate slowly from any substance that’s been used regularly for months or years.

Mariah 🌱 Heal Thyself 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #18

“ The Homeopathists of New York have been offering, for years, to go into the public hospitals, and treat all manner of diseases side-by-side with Allopathy, as a test experiment of the relative value of the two systems.

But they are not permitted to do so. Allopathy, has all the power in its own hands. It is Inincorporated, as it were, into the national, state, and municipal governments, and it stands on its advantages, and says:

“Let us have no dangerous experiments. The dignity of the profession will not permit us to countenance any irregular system , nor to encourage quackery in any shape.”  

Did dignity ever cure anybody? Does Allopathy, in refusing this fair offer, fear for the dear people, or does it fear for itself? 

Even now the Homeopathists are in importuning for the privilege of having a department in our army hospitals, where their system can be administered to such patients as prefer it.

Should their petition be granted, I will not predict what the results will be. I simply know it would not be favourable to Allopathy. 

Last week the New York State medical society (Allopathic) met at Albany, and passed resolutions against the “introduction of Homeopathic practice in any portion of our army.”  Of course! 

But have not the people some right to some voice in this matter? 

Is it not as much their business as the medical professions? 

It is they who are to foot the bills, and endure the sickness, and suffer the dying. 

I may here, perhaps, make a remark, en passant, of some practical importance. It is with all schools of medicine as it is with each individual practitioner of the healing art – the less faith they have in medicine, the more they have in Hygiene; hence those who prescribe little or no medicine, are invariably and necessarily more attentive to hygienic conditions- to good nursing -which always was, and ever will be, all that there is really good, useful, or curative and medication. 

Such physicians are more careful to supply the vital organism with whatever of air, light, temperature, food, water, exercise, or rest, etc., It needs in its struggle for health, and to remove all of vitiating influences- all poisons, impurities, miasms, or disturbing influences of any kind. 

And this is Hygenic Medication; this is the True Healing Art.  Nor God nor nature has provided any other; nor can the supreme architect permit any other without reversing all the laws of the universe, and annulling every one of His attributes, as I expect to make appear in due time.”


And so the Medical System continues to go unchallenged (by design) 200 years later … nothings changed.  

Natural healing has gained the reputation of being the “alternative “ method for healing -when in reality, Allopathic “medicine” is the “alternative” to our past/lost natural ways… 

We’ve allowed Allopathy to dominate, we’ve submitted to their system & today their poisons are being plunged into the arms of the majority because people think that upon doing so, they may “get back” those precious freedoms that they thought they had – just a year ago.  

Unfortunately, when we hand over freedoms & acquiesce, there’s little chance of ever getting them back without pushing back en mass.

Most people haven’t been paying attention, they are still focussing on the scapegoat (the invisible “virus”) instead of the groups responsible for ultimate tyranny (on the whole world to various degrees) under the guise of medical saviour – ism … 

Ok, off topic just a little… what I’m trying to say is that we allowed Allopathy to grow into the giant it is today, because we supported their often harmful methods – and now we are experiencing just how much power the Allopathic system has gained.  Germ Theory is gospel . 

We have no one to blame but ourselves, for we’ve supported & used the Allopathic methods & failed to recognize the dire consequences & continual needless deaths that result – because plausible deniability always wins where the “professionals” are concerned. 

When people fail to recognize the harm & deaths that result from ventilator use, needle use, chemotherapy use, and countless more…We reap what we sow.  

What we need now, more than ever, is KNOWLEDGE & TRUTH – and confidence in Nature – We must take matters into our own hands & learn to recognize what the problem truly is because we are currently in the midst of an economical takedown, our freedoms are dwindling- unless we TAKE them back.  Begging for them back won’t work, we have to learn how to withdrawal all support from the harmful systems at large.  Every move we make, every purchase is a VOTE.

Dr. TRALL recognized the inconsistencies, lies & the wrongdoings of the Allopathic system back in the early 1800s, he tried to warn us – and today Allopathy is being used as the excuse for this tyrannical new age warfare… 

Mariah 🍇 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self… 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #19

“ Why have you a “sanitary commission” to look after the health of our soldiers in the field? Where are the doctors? For what purpose have we a Medical Bureau?  Why should it be necessary for a self – constituted committee, with a clergyman at its head, and a non-professional person for secretary, to supervise the medical department?  Why do we not have, in private families, some benevolent clergymen, or some intelligent intelligent layman, to regulate the Hygiene while the physician deals out the drugs? 

The “sanitary commission” visits the camps and hospitals of our armies, and reports that no proper attention is paid to the most obvious conditions of health. 

And it has been gravely charged in the newspapers that the medical bureau feels it’s dignity wounded and it’s prerogative intruded upon by the outside and unprofessional interference. The “sanitary commission” report that no proper attention is paid to ventilation; that cleanliness is disregarded;  that stagnant waters are allowed to be drunk;  and that sources of miasms, infections, and contagions are permitted to accumulate and breed pestilence. 

Why all this? 

Do our physicians understand the conditions of health? Do they know what are the causes of disease? If they do, why cannot they attend to these matters as well as outsiders? Are they reckless, ignorant, or indifferent? 

Oh, no. Hygiene-health- is not in their technically professional line.  The prevention of disease, the preservation of health, must be left to others, save so far as diseases may be prevented, or rather changed into other forms, by dosing and drugging. 

Strange as the announcement may sound in this hall, I must assert that health is not taught in the popular schools medicine, nor explained in their books, nor much regarded in the prescriptions of their physicians. 

But when the typhoid pestilence and the malignant pneumonia appears as the inevitable consequences of the permitted causes, The doctors can drug and dose secundem artem . 

They can administer quinine in huge doses; give any quantity of calomel, and subdue the vital struggle -and too often the patient – with bleeding and narcotics. 

Who supposes that this quinine, so freely administered as a curative, and even a preventative of miasmatic diseases, is a deadly poison? 

Who does not know that arsenic is a poison? Yet I read, this very day, in last weeks New York medical times (which speaks by authority), an article in favour of arsenic as a substitute for quinine;  and arsenic, too, in large doses! 

And I read, too, this day, in Braithwaite’s Retrospect, for January, 1862, ( the leading European Journal of the Allopathic school), several articles commending arsenic as the better article of the two.

Is there not some mistake somewhere?

can it be that two articles, one harmless tonic and the other an intense poison, are perfect substitutes for each other? I think I shall be able to show in what the delusion consists.”

My Thoughts: 

I’m just not in the mood to elaborate… I will say that reading this book, that was published so long ago, nothing has changed.  The same system still rules today, the news media & information that we are permitted to see is controlled & run by a select group of people.  

History repeats.  

Here we go again, accepting another round of tyranny and medical lies under the guise of “public health” during an “emergency”.  

None of this will ever end until the people wake up & learn the truth with what’s going on behind the scenes, who’s responsible & how to stop it from occurring again.  

We vote on the daily through our purchases, our words, our actions & decisions- everything is documented and everything leads to something else.  

How do we win? How do we gain back our lost freedoms? 

We withdrawal ALL SUPPORT from the systems, corporations, governments, etc. At large that seek to keep us down.  

We defund them en mass.  Learn the details behind each and everything that you support, investigate.  

Mariah 🍒 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self… 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #20

“ The medical bureau can have no excuse for disregarding the sanitary condition of our armies, save that of a false medical system and an erroneous or defective medical education.

If it knows it’s duty and does it not, it is more to be execrated than all the rebels in Dixie‘s land. 


I say most emphatically , that health is taught in but one medical school in the world – the New York Hygeio – therapeutic college – and this school is repudiated by the medical profession of 

This land of the free and home of the brave. 

True, the school is chartered by the legislature of New York, and legalized by the people of that state, but the profession will not acknowledge it. 

Medical students go to college to learn the symptoms of disease, and how to cure them, or rather in what way to drug them; not to learn the conditions of health and how to preserve it. 

Are physicians, as a class, any more observant of the laws of life, or more exempt from ordinary disease and infirmities than others? 

And Florence Nightingale! 

Is that name new or strange in this place? For what purpose did that noble and heroic English girl, overflowing with patriotic emotion, and full of sympathy for suffering humanity, as only women can be, pitch her tent and make her abiding- place amid the wailing of the wounded, the groans of the dying, and the stench and contagion of camps and hospitals? 


She must needs go to the Crimea to teach the British surgeons health; to instruct the graduates of the first medical schools in the world in the simplest maxims of plain, unsophisticated common sense; to show to medical men of learned lore, and scholastic honor, and high-sounding titles, and large experience, and many degrees, that invalids cannot breathe without air; that personal cleanliness is essential to the successful management of disease; that water, and light, and equable temperature, and rest, are requisite to correct morbid excretions, to restore normal secretions, purify the vital current, and dissipate and destroy the ever -engendering miasms and infections of such places”.

My Thoughts: 

I have high hopes that someday the people will wake up & dismantle our current governments, health care system, and all major corporations really – we need a revamp, the old systems are not working.

It just blows me away that hospitals can get away with feeding patients jello (food colouring, animal products, processed sugar, artificial flavours & preservatives), processed meats (carcinogenic), and other disease forming foods.  Hospitals are not the place to go if healing and health is the goal and to take dietary advice from a doctor is absolutely absurd because health/healing is not their specialty – they are generally ignorant on the topic.

I think the only thing worse than the poison food in the hospitals & the fact that it’s accepted as normal – is when we see the “cancer society” for example- dishing out hot dogs (carcinogenic, disease forming food) and doughnuts (disease forming/mucus forming foods) while begging for money to fund their supposed “research” to cure “cancer”…

Many of us already know the main causes for cancer development – yet somehow, year after year these organizations continue to dish out disease forming foods while collecting money from the general public, it’s disgusting & so backwards- it is my greatest hopes that someday the people will wake up en mass & say enough- and then they will dismantle all these harmful organizations, corporations & the medical industry … 

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thyself 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #21

“ The British surgeons could amputate limbs admirably, dress wounds skillfully; bleed dexterously;  mercurialize strongly;  narcotize effectually;  give quinine hugely, and administer arsenic powerfully;  but they could not purify – and purification was the only thing needful in most cases. 

O for a Moses among the doctors! 

When Moses, in Olden time, led the reckless and sensual Israelites a forty years’ journey through the wilderness, how strict and inexorable were his Hygenic injunctions! 

How careful was that admirable physiologist in directing all the minutia of the sanitary condition of his people. 

And that no source of petulance should be tolerated, he would not allow any nuisance, or impurity even, to defile the camp ground. 

Fortunately for his people,  he had no quinine to “neutralize malaria;” no arsenic to cure fevers;  and so he was obliged to prevent them .  Had Moses been as ignorant or as regardless of Hygiene as are our modern medical men , civil or military , before he could have led the Israelites a quarter of a forty years’ journey , they would all have perished of the pestilences so prevalent among modern armies.”

My Thoughts:

True Health is obtained through the scaling back to simplicity… less is more & over complicated remedies, vitamins, supplements, pharmaceuticals, diets or procedures often add insult to injury… 

Mariah 🌿 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self… 


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #22

“I have visited the camp and hospitals of our armies in this vicinity, and I have learned- just what I knew before . one of the surgeons told me yesterday that his regiment was the most healthy one in the department . 

He gives no medicine , and his associate almost none .  

They have had several cases of typhoid fever, many cases of pneumonia, and some hundreds of cases of dysentery to treat, and have lost none.

I will not mention their names here, for prudential reasons. It might compromise their position. But when this war is ended -on or before the Fourth of July I hope – the names will be given to the world, and these facts will be certified. 

Suffice it to say now that they are of my school and my faith. Nurses (more than one) in the hospitals inform me that hundreds of sick soldiers implore them to throw away the medicine. 

They do not want to take a particle of any kind. Many of them fear the doctor’s drugs more than they do the rebels’ bullets, and well they may.  

I was assured that in scores of cases of typhoid fever and pneumonia the medicines all went in some other direction than down the esophagus. 

And did these patients die, think you? 


They all recovered! 

I saw many patients in all stages of these diseases, and of convalescence; all were doing well;  none of them had any complications;  no one feared relapses or collapses. 

In the largest hospital in this department are several nurses who give the medicines to the gutter, and they have not lost one patient of disease. 

I was told, moreover, that the young surgeons in the hospitals give a great deal of medicine, well the old surgeons give comparatively little, and this accords with the testimony of the venerable Professor Alexander H Stevens, MD, of the New York College of physicians and surgeons: “Young practitioners are the most hopeful class of community. They are sure of success. They start out in life with 20 remedies for every disease;  and after an experience of 30 years or less they find 20 diseases for every remedy.”  

And again: “The older physicians grow, the more sceptical they become of the virtues of medicine, and the more they are disposed to trust to the powers of Nature.”  

There are, aside from accidents -mechanical injuries -but two sources of disease in the world, viz.,poisons or impurities taken into the system from without, and effete or waste matters retained. 

In either case the result is obstruction. 

These extraneous particles are the causes of disease, and, aside from the mental impressions and bodily injuries, the only causes. 

And what is this mysterious thing, disease? 

Simply the effort to remove obstructing material from the organic domain, and to repair damages. Disease is a process of purification. It is a remedial action. It is a vital struggle to overcome obstructions and to keep the channels of circulation free. 

Should this struggle, the self- defensive action, this remedial effort, this purifying process, this attempt at reparation, this war for the integrity of the living domain, this contest against the enemies of the organic constitution, be repressed by bleeding, or suppressed with drugs, intensified with stimulants and tonics, subdued with narcotics and antiphlogistics, confused with blisters and caustics, aggravated with alternatives, complicated and misdirected, changed, subverted, and perverted with drugs and poisons generally?  

To give drugs is adding to the causes of disease; for drugs always produce disease. Indeed, they cure one disease, when they cure at all, by producing others. 

Can causes cure causes?

Can poisons expel poisons? 

Can impurities deterge  impurities? 

Can nature throw off two or more burdens more easily than one? 


Poisoning a person because he is impure, is like casting out devils through Beelzebub, the prince of devils. 

It is neither scriptural nor philosophical. 

The effect of drug -curing or drug killing, as the case may be – I mean drug medication – is to lock up, as it were, the causes of the disease within the system, and to induce chronic and worse diseases. 

The cause should be expelled, not retained. The remedial struggle -the disease -should be aided, regulated, directed, so that it may successfully accomplish its work of purification, not subdued nor thwarted with poisons which create new remedial efforts (drug diseases), and thus embarrass and complicate the vital struggle.

My Thoughts:

Drug diseases are so common in today’s world.  In our world today, people think Tylenol, Advil & Aspirin are harmless to take – have you ever read the potential side effects for these pharmaceutical products? They are poison for the human body.  We as a species have lost our way… We’ve turned our backs on the true health promoters (whole fresh fruit & vegetables, sunlight, fresh air, exercise, a stress free lifestyle) in exchange for degeneration (processed/fast foods, dairy, pharmaceuticals, needles, indoor lifestyles, indoor air, massive stress through government propaganda, etc.)… Only those who choose to see will gain the ability to withstand all that is coming … 

Mariah 🍇 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self…


By: R.T. TRALL, M.D.

Published in New York in 1880! 

Post #23

“ To give drugs is to give the living system more work to do. 

It is aiding and assisting the enemy. 

It is, in effect, very much like fighting the rebels by firing at our own soldiers in the rear, while they are attacking the enemy in the front. Can our army manage two adversaries better than one? 

It is like tying one hand fast to the body and form of the constitution, and going at the rebels with the other. Had you not better employ both hands? But, before I pursue the argument further, let us briefly glance at the authorities. I will cite mainly the standard text-books of medical schools, and the exact words of the living teachers. 

Says the “United States dispensatory” “medicines are those articles which make sanative impressions on the body”. This may be important, if true. But, per contra, says Professor Martin Paine, M. D., of the New York University Medical School, in his “Institutes of Medicine:”  “ remedial agents are essentially morbific in their operations.”

This is rather a bad beginning. Professor Paine is the only author in modern times who had made any serious attempt to write the philosophy of medical science ; and the “United States dispensatory”,  edited by professors Wood and Bache, of Philadelphia, is universally recognized as “good authority” in the United States. 

And here are our two leading authorities starting with a point-blank contradiction. 

Which is right? 

Who are we to believe? 

Or is it of no sort of consequence whether medicines produce “sanative” or “morbific” impressions? 

Is it not enough for us to know that they make impressions of some sort, good, bad, or indifferent? 

That they operate somehow, or in some way, or at least occasion certain effects? It seems to me that everything depends on a correct starting -point – on the truth of the primary premises. 

But again says Professor Paine : “Remedial agents operate in the same manner as do the remote causes of disease.”

This seems to be a very distinct announcement that remedies are themselves causes of disease. 

And yet again : “in the administration of medicines we cure one disease by producing another. “  

This is both important and true.”

My Thoughts:

Cause & effect… imagine living in a world where everything we thought to be true – turned out to be the exact opposite? That remedies often cause disease (even so – called natural remedies), and that every food we are told growing up is healthy – is indeed disease forming ? This would be a hard “pill” to swallow (pills are our downfall)- which is why it is easier to continue down the path we are already on, listening to the experts without question… Drug diseases are very real & very common… imagine living in a world where we create our own disease? Where we are told that it’s not our fault & that an outside source is to blame? when in reality it is our own doing? Cause & effect …

Mariah 🌺 Heal Thyself 


“If something is wrong with anyone, look first to the stomach”

-Professor Arnold Ehret

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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