My Health Blog

The Truth Is Not Complicated…

by | Mon,Apr,2022 | Arnold Ehret, Detox, Detoxification, Fasting, Health, Iridology, Natural Hygiene, Nutrition, vegan

Variety is NOT always the spice of life when it comes to what we chose to CONsume…

What is one major reason for stomach / bowel & digestive issues? Aside from our good intentions? 

Daily, Complicated food mixtures, complicated / concentrated vitamins/pills/supplements, etc.

Health builds when simplicity is adopted…less is more in the healing world, it’s more about what we eliminate – rather than what we add into our diets…

These days, a sauce is made from 20 ingredients, a meal is made from 20 ingredients & whatever supplement or vitamin is being taken is made from 20 ingredients…

That’s a confusion program for the body… we require simple fuel in the form of whole, simple foods in their natural form.

The less variety we introduce, the less taxing it is on our system…

Variety is NOT the spice of life…


Do we want to ingest diatomaceous earth, vitamins, sulphur, garlic pills, colloidal silver, protein powders, Tumeric, pine needle tea, MMS, Sulphur, Iodine, herbal tinctures, pharmaceuticals, probiotics, mushroom extracts, hydrogen peroxide, DMSO, essential oils, urine therapy, turpentine, spirulina , chlorella, mineral salts, etc.? 


None of it, I’m sorry to say, we’ve been directing our energy into looking for an outside source to heal us, and none of it is beneficial truly – these substances may suppress symptoms, or buy you some time with a future price tag attached …No substance can act upon the body in order to heal the body, the body heals the body only when the internal/external correct conditions are met (long term) for the body to heal…

Now I get it, all these substances appear to yield beneficial results often due to misinterpretation, yet if these “natural products “ worked, we wouldn’t have an epidemic of unhealthy people … 

The less chemistry we introduce within, the less the body must process & direct digestive energy towards, or expel, so that the body can use that vital energy towards healing…

I generally suggest to that individual that has a cupboard full of bottles, tinctures, vitamins, miracle natural products, etc., in addition with a habit of combining a million different food ingredients together in a meal…

“To use up all that you have-  for preparation of what’s to come (simplicity) and because you’ve already paid for it all & using it up will prepare your mind to let go, and it will also cause you to become more conscious as to the actual effects of almost everything”!  

I know that many will disagree, I know this post is going to bring out a lot of scenarios to prove it’s inaccuracy … I don’t mind, this post is for that individual who is not finding remedy, feels that they are doing everything correctly, and may want to experiment with letting everything go for sometime for proof of claim… remember, nature works slowly and time it does take…

Once you’ve let go, once your medicine cabinet is empty, save your money, put it towards the simple foods that nature designed for humans to remain in good health, there’s our true medicine, combined with rest, minimal stress, sunshine, earthing, deep breathing, fresh air, movement, and healthy thoughts…

Complicated is confusion… complicated is outdated, the gig is up, we never needed ANY of it… the truth is simple….

Happy Healing Everyone … 

Mariah 🍊 Heal ThySelf 

                    Healthy Self…

#Healing #detoxification #truth #vegan #fruitsforlife #mariahhealthyself #applediaries #cleansing #fruitsheal #lessismore #proteinmyth #dairyisscary #juicefeast #simplicity 

“True healing is not a “quick fix” but a regeneration that comes from removing all waste from the body”.

-Professor Arnold Ehret

Mariah 🍇 Heal ThySelf

Healthy Self…


About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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