My Health Blog

19 factor elements for health
The human body requires several factors to be met for our optimal health & well-being.  We tend to focus on nutrition more so than anything else – however, all of our essential needs play an important role in determining our overall health and neglecting any of our needs can lead to imbalance and prevent us from achieving optimal health in our lives.
Our essential needs in essence are quite simple and often quite easy to meet, however, the reality today is that most of our essential needs get overlooked and buried in the over saturated world of unnecessary health information.  The simplicity of meeting our overall health needs doesn’t sound complicated enough to wage any significant impact on our overall health and well-being and because they cannot be capitalized on, they are often swept under the rug only to be replaced by over-complicated world of products and other.
Failing to meet all of our essential requirements for health can lead to our suffering and confusion, so I thought it would be of benefit to discuss what the other essential factors are that must be met for optimal health.  It’s easy in todays world to violate the laws of Nature when we are not aware of what they truly are.
Below is an excerpt from The Life Science Course by TC Fry (lesson 3.1)👇
“When in a state of disease, most people do not realize they have brought it upon themselves. They are aided in placing blame outside themselves by a profession that takes the stance that they’ve had an unfortunate bit of bad luck or they have been invaded by some microbial enemy. Though the needs of the ill differ from those of well people only in that their conditions must be made favorable to recuperation, both ill people and the medical professionals undertake a course of treatment that compounds  sickness. Both the physician and the sufferer enter into an attempt to poison the ailing body back into health. The fact is that drugging only makes a body worse.
The causes of health are very simple. Our needs do not change substantially when we become ill. Even illness itself won’t occur if the needs of our bodies and minds are properly met.
The nineteen factor elements for optimal well-being are listed as follows:
1. Pure air
2. Pure water
3. Cleanliness—both internal and external
4. Sleep
5. Temperature maintenance
6. Pure wholesome food to which we are biologically adapted
7. Exercise and activity
8. Sunshine upon our bodies
9. Rest and relaxation
10. Play and recreation
11. Emotional poise
12. Security of life and its means
13. Pleasant environment
14. Creative, useful work
15. Self-Mastery
16. Belonging
17. Motivation
18. Expression of the natural instincts
19. Indulgence of aesthetic senses.”
I think it’s important to take a bit of time for ourselves to examine each of the 19 points that TC has listed here to determine where we are at.  We must be honest with ourselves.
For the past 8 months now, I’ve personally been focusing on number 4.  Whereas my habits were to stare at a screen until 10:30pm nightly and finally fall asleep around midnight, I now end my screen time by 8pm – and I am in bed most nights between 8:30-9pm which has had a positive impact on my overall health. I believe it’s very important to avoid stimulation through screen time when the sun goes down and to try to get to bed early now but I had to experience it to know it.
“We can accept sleep as being absolutely necessary without question. But, as well, getting enough sleep is an essential of life. It is impossible for a healthy person to oversleep but undersleeping is an evil of our, times—a transgression most of us commit against ourselves.
When we undersleep, not enough nerve energy is generated to meet needs. We use more nerve energy when we are awake longer and generate less with less sleep, other conditions being equal. When our nerve energy is squandered to meet excessive consciously-directed activities, then nerve energy for unconscious body activities is not available. This may mean poorer digestion, impaired elimination and so on—the body must suffer generally.
With adequate sleep enough nerve energy is generated to meet our normal needs.”
Life Science Course Lesson 15
Personally I struggle with #5 though, living in a cold climate for 6-8 months out of the year followed by swinging temperatures , extreme heat and unpredictable weather, it’s not always easy to maintain a steady temperature devoid of extremes.
What points do you you struggle with on this list to maintain, and what points do you feel that you’ve got in check?
Mariah 🍒 Heal Thyself
                    Healthy Self…

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About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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