My Health Blog

Are we aging prematurely?

by | Mon,Apr,2019 | Uncategorized

After 50-80 years of wrong, acid/mucus forming foods & our bodies had enough…

The body becomes overburdened, systemically backed up with toxins & mucus & fighting to keep itself alive…Edema (swelling of tissue) is when the body is holding onto water. In this case, interstitially water is held to buffer acids.

The body uses water, cholesterol (fat) or calcium  (from the bones & dumped into the blood) to help balance acid levels…

The root cause as to why we age is often never addressed through detoxification & dietary changes…therefore AGE together as a society, prematurely (we just call these symptoms “old age”).

What are “aging” symptoms with which we experience, & what organs or glands are compromised as the root cause?

Here are a few among so many more…

•dehydration – Adrenal glands
•cholesterol plaquing – Adrenal glands
•depression – parathyroid glands
•bone loss – parathyroid glands
•excessive thinness, Low or high blood sugar – pancreas
•allergies, cysts, dandruff, tumours, snoring, swollen lymph nodes, sleep apnea, etc – lymphatic system
•skin rashes, boils, pimples, dry skin, etc- integumentary& eliminative system
•fatigue (thyroid & Adrenal also), chronic coughing, sore throat, asthma, low endurance – lungs
•grey hair, memory loss, chest pain, poor circulation, etc – the circulatory system

When one, or multiple organs & glands are down, or not functioning as designed, the body does not function optimally & we experience many of the listed symptoms…all messages from the body…

Heal the functioning of these organs & glands through detoxification & regeneration & symptoms cease overtime…

There isn’t any product that one can use topically, or any supplement or pill that one can take to heal symptoms… the work must be done internally …focus on the chemistry you allow within, via fork….

We accept the listed symptoms as part of growing old… they are normalized, we are taught that they are inevitable & unavoidable…most accept these explanations without realizing that remedy & complete reversal of symptoms is possible…

we all possess the ability to reverse aging symptoms & disease through detoxification / lifestyle changes…

Disease, pain & aging is a warning sign from the body that what you are currently doing is out of line with your bodies requirements..

The majority of people trust & follow the allopathic & scientific community & look to them for answers… seeing how their answers come in the form of removal of body parts & suppression of symptoms- through pharmaceuticals, etc., true remedy is an impossibility…For them…

Remedy is possible through addressing the root cause…

Remedy is possible through change…

Remedy is possible through nature & natural methods…

Remedy is possible when AVOIDING damaging, high protein foods…

Remedy is possible only through you…

The average lifespan of a human shortens with each passing generation for the average family because this information is not readily available, instead we are told to drink milk, eat eggs, ingest copious amounts of protein (we are taught to age ourselves & make ourselves sick)…

How sick is that? 💧

How can we improve or heal ourselves & the planet that depends on us?

By returning to the foods we are biologically designed for & by eliminating the foods we are not designed for…We are not designed for everything that we eat…

when we do this, we not only heal ourselves, but we heal the world around us…

you as an individual will no longer require animals to be tortured & slaughtered, their milks & eggs will no longer be taken in your name & you will no longer depend on many harmful industries.

Each & every one of us impacts the whole on many levels, seen & unforeseen…Let’s continue to strive towards the best versions of ourselves…We all deserve a long & pain free life if we are willing to give up the things that cause disharmony within & without.

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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