My Health Blog

This morning I’ve been Thinking how we are so conditioned and taught to believe by the medical industry that our body can turn on us at any time and attack, harm or kill us.  This is backwards thinking, it is the opposite of reality.  I’m reading some of Herbert Shelton’s writings on this subject and I saved a few important passages to ponder👇
“The living organism is abundantly supplied with safety factors. Indeed all physiological activities are adaptive, so that adaptation may assume many forms”. ~ Herbert Shelton
We are not taught that the human organism wants to thrive and will do everything in its power to heal and correct itself. Instead they teach us that a fever can kill us, or that a tumor will harm us when in reality a tumor is a protective measure taken by the body, and the body will not push itself beyond what it can handle in the case of fever . It is the treatment that harms, it is human intervention that leads to the complications that can occur, of course the body always takes the blame.   Let’s read more 👇
“The power of cure is inherent in living matter. Beginning with the tiniest microscopic cell or germ and extending to the most highly complex organism of which we know, the power of healing or cure is seen in operation. Indeed it is one of the grand distinctive marks of living things that they can repair their own injuries. If a leg of a table is broken, the table cannot repair the break; if the leg of a man is broken his system will be able to repair the fracture without any artificial assistance.”
~Herbert Shelton
We do not give the body a chance to heal itself out of fear.  This fear is instilled into everyone of us and this passage explains why that is👇
“Disease” is said to attack us; to run its course; to run through a patient; to travel from one place to another; to settle in some organ of the body; some “diseases” are said to be very malignant, and others very mild; some yield easily to treatment, others persist obstinately despite all “science” can do; the patient must be supported through the disease, or supported while the disease runs its course. There is much talk of resistance to disease and about immunity to and susceptibility to disease. One is struck down by disease as by an avenging angel. It seizes him as does a roaring lion or consumes him as does a fire. A man is said to have died of a heart attack; or he has an attack of pneumonia or of typhoid. We read of an outbreak of measles, small-pox or cholera. Medical books speak of the onset of disease. Disease is man’s greatest enemy, or a thing with which the doctor and the boards of health are in constant warfare. We must combat an enemy whose every move is dark and malicious.
Our whole terminology is a hang-over from the days when evil spirits caused “disease”. Whether malignant spirits or malignant germs, it makes no difference; we are “attacked”. Some evil spirits were very malignant, some evil germs are very malignant. We cannot escape the conviction that our conceptions of “disease” are those of the troglodyte. Hence, we are still fighting with a fictional entity”.
~Herbert Shelton
No wonder people are so afraid of themselves. The language used was coined long ago to mislead us into thinking that the body can initiate war on us at any time. This conditioned thinking gets us in trouble.
“They have not yet learned that there is no healing, strengthening, or helping virtue in any “remedy” used in disease and that the healing of internal as well as external injuries is not the result of “drug action”, or “serum action”, but of the inherent restorative principle which is identical with life and which enables each organ to repair its own damages.
The general public still believes in healing salves, ointments, balsams, etc., which will heal wounds and open sores. The medical profession still believes in healing remedies which will heal internal injuries. Wounds heal of themselves—so, also, do “diseases”.
In the reparative process, a certain series of changes must necessarily take place in the damaged part before it can be restored to soundness, and these changes require time.”~Herbert Shelton
I think an important takeaway from Herbert’s writing is to realize that the body is always working for us, it was intelligently designed to maintain our individual health to the best of its ability.  The body’s abilities are entirely dependent on the materials and conditions that it has to work with, which is our role.
There is no such thing as the body attacking itself, or the body self-destructing because of some substance that we failed to take or apply.  Even under the most unfavorable conditions, the body will sacrifice certain organs/glands to protect the most vital organs that we cannot live without.
Health results from healthful living.  We just need to learn exactly what healthful living entails !  Simplicity.  The truth has always been simple.  They will have you believe that if it’s not over complicated and difficult to understand then it is not true.
 I want to thank everyone here for having the courage and the motivation to cut out the noise, striving to build healthy, sustainable, habits that will not only serve your own body but others that you come into contact with throughout your everyday life.  Change comes about slowly, but we’ve got to start somewhere to make it happen.
Mariah 🍑 Heal Thyself
                    Healthy Self…

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About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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