My Health Blog

I’m reading this book titled “How to Prolong Life” by Charles Watkyns de Lacy, Evans which I think was written in 1897 because there is a handwritten inscription with that date, otherwise there is no date that I can find in the book.  It’s obvious by the language that it was written long ago.  I thought I would share a passage from the book that I find fascinating on the the topic of distilled water. Lets dive right in shall we?

“The process of boiling spring – water, or river water, precipitates part of the solid matter it contains, especially those salts which are held in solution by an excess of carbonic acid (if carbonates be present).  Most drinking waters contain lime to a greater or a less extent in some form or other, generally as carbonate, or sulphate; and those waters which contain lime to any extent should be avoided for drinking purposes.  The alkaline salts contained in many waters do not accumulate in the system; they are, therefore, not injurious, but many of them are beneficial.  There are many recorded cases of longevity which may be distinctly traced to drinking large quantities of water.

The seers expressly called Macrobii, or the ancient Chinese, lived to extraordinary ages, and Lucian ascribes their longevity to their “drinking water in great abundance”.  The idea which was held centuries ago, that dew water collected from the mountains, and used as a drink, would prolong life, is a very correct one; it is a distilled water of Nature, and, whether it is charged with electricity or not, is very invigorating.

Distilled water, used as a drink, is absorbed directly into the blood, the solvent properties of which it increases to an extent that it will keep salts already existing in the blood in solution, prevent their undue deposition in the various organs and structures, and favour their elimination by the different excretae.  If the same be taken in large quantities, or if it be the only liquid taken into the system, either as a drink or as a medium for the ordinary decoctions of tea, coffee, etc., it will in time tend to remove those earthly compounds which have accumulated in the system, the effects of which usually become more manifest as the age of forty or fifty years is attained.

The daily use of distilled water facilitates the removal of deleterious compounds from the body by means of the excretae, and therefore tends to the prolongation of existence.

The use of distilled water may be especially recommended after the age of thirty-five or forty years is attained; it will of itself prevent many diseases to which mankind is especially subject after this age; and were it generally used, gravel, stone in the bladder, and other diseases due to the formation of calculi in different parts of the system, would be much more uncommon”.

I think Ill end it there, to me that was the most interesting paragraphs.  You can buy this book on amazon, it’s quite interesting, if you would like to support my work, feel free to leave a donation below, book a consultation with me or join our Terrain model diet monthly support group, you can sign up for it at

Thanks everyone!



About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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