My Health Blog

Do Vegans still Get Heart Disease?

by | Wed,Jan,2020 | Uncategorized

Do Vegans still get heart disease?

Vegans have eliminated the MAIN causes for heart disease such as eggs, animal products & animal fats, but do Vegans still fall victim to one of the leading causes of death in North America?

The answer is yes…


Because processed oils (olive oil, canola, coconut oil, vegetable oil, etc) are unhealthy, refined fats & raise LDL or “bad cholesterol “…

Unfortunately oil is everywhere, especially if you eat out, it cannot be avoided & likely to add insult to injury, canola oil is used which is by far the worst oil for human health, even though all processed oils aren’t health promoting – quite the opposite, health demoting …

Ingesting processed oils activates coagulation in the blood, something to be aware of…

If this post or video does not convince you to eliminate oils from your diet then consider a salad alongside any foods containing oils as they can help to counteract the effects oils have on the body… this informative video explains in more detail:

So Why do we humans love to eat oil?

Oils are comforting, they temporarily suppress / buffer inflammation causing us to feel ok, yet they contribute to health issues overtime & do not heal anything…

Oil is  a highly concentrated fat source – which irritates the body & is known to cause weight gain & health issues overtime… yet marketing leads us to believe there are “healthy fats” which is just that – marketing…

Oil is not a whole food, it’s a isolated lipid…When we ingest oils, these oils coat cells, block cellular absorption &  lead to eventual malabsorption issues…

oils are concentrated isolates which we never find in nature ….

The  human body runs on carbon …

A table spoon of olive oil is around 120 calories & 14 grams of fat…

This is concentrated chemistry!!

So far, I’ve only mentioned raw, uncooked oils, don’t get me started on the negative health effects of heated,cooked or fried oils, talk about obstructions within the human body…

heated oils are extremely damaging to the body…

All Processed oils are an extract of the fat – from the plant, & these Oils do not contain any vitamins, nutrients or minerals & they are far from a whole food, offering no benefit whatsoever in terms of health…

Our bodies truly only recognize whole foods in their natural form &

oils do not fit into this category.

The issue with oils is they are concentrated & because they are in liquid form & devoid of fibre, they congest our body causing stagnation to our lymphatic system…

Oils are not a health food as we have been led to believe… if your truly craving  fats in your diet, I would opt for oils in a whole food form such as avocados… mash them up, add them to your food!

you can add avocados

to any dish to make it fatty, oily & heavier … I am not saying it’s healthy to eat avocados daily, however, avocados are a whole food & healthier than oils in their isolated / concentrated form & I would most definitely choose an avocado or coconut over any man made isolates/oils …

It’s difficult to obtain health in a world filled with competitors & food companies that must profit in order to succeed… its difficult to locate the correct information with how to remain healthy when even those who are considered by society to be authorities in the health field lack a lot of the correct information… this is the most difficult aspect for so many, figuring out who to trust… for myself, I trust in nature… if it’s a whole food, grown in nature, it’s okay… if it’s packaged or contains more than one ingredient, I avoid it… health is found in simplicity… true health is more about what we eliminate in these times…

Happy Healing Everyone

Mariah Heal ThySelf

Healthy Self…



About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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