My Health Blog

Fasting towards health

by | Wed,Sep,2020 | Uncategorized

In music, much of the beauty is found in the silence, the moments of stillness, when the music pauses…

Never underestimate the power of taking moments for yourself, to pause, to reflect, to not eat, to rest the digestive system…

when we supply our body with adequate digestive rest, on a habitual basis, we reduce stress & offer the body a chance to recover, repair & heal…

intermittent fasting, or short, regular fasts are the one consistent habit that I’ve kept up with over the past 6 -7 years & feel that I owe much of my healing success to these pauses, and moments of silence that I give to my body – that give me strength…

Of course we can expect periods of weakness during a fast of any duration depending on your individual state of health as the body slowly corrects & heals

Expect to go through periods of discomfort, as you stand up to hunger,  & push through…

I can assure you that it’s worth it, my fasting periods have everything to do with where I am at health wise today.  Healing takes time, consistency & repetition…

I fast one day a week & I never eat, or desire breakfast, & overtime, as you create new habits, it becomes easier & more enjoyable…

Nobody must do long fasts to obtain health, in fact, Ehret & many experts agree that a slow & steady approach (short fasts) are optimal for many reasons that I’ll discuss in a later post…

I am currently working on a presentation on fasting – which I’ll present on John Depasses FB live page (first time) in approximately 3 weeks…

Fasting is my passion, I give so much credit & respect to our bodies innate ability to heal itself through digestive rest, it’s all up to you, the power to heal is within you…

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite Arnold Ehret passages from RATIONAL FASTING…

If you haven’t got the book click the link to get a copy of the:


You Won’t regret having this book in your library because in your healing journey you will always go back to it and read the few notes you made.

“The big breakfast “habit” is entirely artificial since we are not in need of nourishment immediately upon arising!

The “no breakfast plan”has helped hundreds of chronic sufferers, for this practice at least gives the over-worked depurating organs less work to perform.

Stop eating the foods you now have learned are the direct cause of your ailment, and you will soon find that “over eating ” & “wrong foods” will prove to be the major cause of your illness.

Let “fresh fruits” cleanse impurities from your system & if this simple method is conceivably possible of restoring your health- isn’t it worth trying?” ~ Arnold Ehret

Mariah 🍒Heal Thyself 

  Healthy Self…

#applediaries #fruitsheal #intermittentfasting #healthyvegan #truth #mariahhealthyself #mucuslessdiethealingsystem #arnoldehret #rationalfasting

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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