My Health Blog


We often hear about alkaline foods vs acidic foods – yet these words are used in different contexts, and it appears that a great number of people in the health movement believe that if a food such as a lemon is acidic, than it’s acidic within the body.  The acidity/alkalinity of food within is not always the same as the PH of the food before consumption.  The effect a food has on the body after ingestion & metabolization is the food’s “ash”.  

There are foods such as cow milk that are considered “alkaline”, however, cow milk has an “acidic ash” residue that is produced within the body after consumption which often gets overlooked.  A lemon has an alkaline ash residue within.  Raw fruits and vegetables have alkaline ash residues as well, however, cooked foods have an acidic ash residue within the human body.  

The Natural Hygienic diet recommends alkaline foods, which are the foods that have the alkaline ash residues after being eaten.  TC Fry (a NH proponent) wrote this quote in 1976: 

“Disease cannot exist in an alkaline environment”.

The misinterpretation of things in my opinion is one of the greatest reasons why we humans have strayed so far from our natural diet/lifestyles and suffer as a result.

Carbohydrates are another topic of confusion that I often hear people talking about.  Not all carbohydrates are created equal however.  Carbohydrates are the optimal source of energy for the human body.  The issue is that we lump all carbohydrates into one category.  There are different types of carbohydrates.  Of course the carbohydrates of fruit are nowhere near the same as the carbohydrates of processed sugars such as those found in breads, pastas, or baked goods.

Carbohydrates, fats, & proteins (amino acids) comprise the major components of living matter and the carbohydrates from fruits place no burden on the body because they are easily digested, absorbed, assimilated & utilized by the body which is not the case for processed and refined carbohydrates.

I think the most confusing topic is “sugar”, because the mainstream has done a good job with teaching people that “sugar is sugar”, no matter the source.  There are complex sugars (refined sugars, candy bars, etc.) and there are healthy simple sugars (fruits/vegetables).  The complex sugars can overload our system with glucose overtime, Yet the trusted “doctors” often suggest to drive this excessive glucose into the cells with INSULIN, which is not the answer, it actually can harm people further.

Fructose (fruit sugar) is our optimal cellular and brain fuel, we require fructose to thrive and to function optimally.

Fruits are comprised of simple sugars.  Fructose enters the cells by simple diffusion & is our proper cellular fuel, and does not require insulin as a carrier in order to be absorbed by the cells of the body for energy.  

Proteins are another topic of confusion for people.  The body requires Amino Acids, which are the simple building blocks of protein.  When the body ingests complex proteins such as meat, dairy products, etc., this places a heavy burden on the body because the body must break the complex proteins into simple amino acids (useable form) for the body to utilize them.  Fruits contains all the essential amino acids in useable form for the body.  When people ask me “where I get my protein from”, I always tell them from fruit & greens! 

The consumption of High protein foods leads to excess bio-accumulation of acidic waste within, damaging kidneys & whole body overtime…

There’s also the topic of fat.  When we think of fat, we don’t often picture fruit!  Fruits contain the essential fatty acids in correct ratios for the body.  Fruits contain the essential fatty acids that the body requires for proper functioning – without placing burden on the body.  The majority of people still unfortunately eat animal fats, dairy products and processed oils for their fat sources which are acid forming & burden the digestive system. 

Like I mentioned, it’s a confusing world of misinformation out there that unfortunately lead people down very dangerous dietary paths such as high fat keto diets that starve the body of essential healthy sugars while overloading & placing excess burden on the body.

The truth is simple as Arnold Ehret taught, and personally, I try to keep things as simple as possible for optimal health.  Eat whole healthy fruits, greens, vegetables in their natural form for health.  We do not need to be seeking specific foods high in certain vitamins, proteins, fats, etc., we humans are living in a fractionated world where the experts like to pick everything apart and lead us to believe that foods such as fruits contain “too much sugar”.  They pull this deception off by isolating & measuring the sugar content separate from the fruits counterparts such as the fats, amino acids , water content, etc., Of course fruit would appear to have to much sugar with the fractionation / isolation process but we don’t eat fruit that way, we eat it whole! 

Wishing you all a healthy, and wonderful day today.  

Mariah 🍊 Heal Thyself 

                    Healthy Self…


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Mariah 🍇 Heal ThySelf

Healthy Self…

“True healing is not a “quick fix” but a regeneration that comes from removing all waste from the body”.

-Professor Arnold Ehret

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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