My Health Blog

Heal Thy Self for a Healthy Self…

by | Mon,Apr,2019 | Uncategorized

He tells me that we only live once, and to eat anything we want…enjoy life!!

I tell him that we only die once, but we live for many days / years depending on choices such as lifestyle, stress levels, & the chemistry / foods we chose to ingest…

It’s about quality of life… you can live a relatively long time feeling unwell, tolerating health issues…

It seems that most individuals eat what they want & when they want (or what their parasites & fungus/candida wants) only to become dependent eventually on the medical system which includes pharmaceutical drugs & eventual burden on their families…

who wants to be a burden on others when it can be prevented?

Eating primarily fruits, raw foods or mucusless foods can supply the individual with the freedom & quality of life that others dream of but do not realize it is possible for them.

I was fairly sick for a large portion of my life (off & on with some issues that I suffered with for 29 years before I found out how to heal), that felt normal to me, pain was normal to me because it was so familiar,  it wasn’t until the last 6 years of slowly restoring my health, that I had something to compare my past health status to, in order to come to terms with how sick I once  was…

feel absolutely blessed that you came across this knowledge, many individuals do not receive such an  opportunity…the truth is hidden in plain sight, buried in a sea of misinformation, paleo, keto diets, pharmaceuticals,  supplements, new studies, harmful dietary information & the promise of quick fixes….

The results of following the latest dietetic advice & findings often push people further into poor health…not offering health, relief or remedy…

he then asks me if I ever crave other foods (you know, those fake foods & animal foods that are not truly human food)…

honestly, at one point along this journey my cravings were insatiable… I allowed myself to overeat & to go through that stage with plant foods which are less harmful…once malabsorption, parasite & fungal issues resolved somewhat, the urge to eat insatiably subsides…

I told him that if he truly learned how the “foods” such as meat, dairy & eggs react within our bodies, the inflammation they cause, the  mucus & acids which are corrosive, build up & destroy health, he would probably rethink what he chose to ingest…

However, each & every one of us must truly learn it for ourselves & this can only be achieved by self-experimentation…I can’t “tell you anything”, only provide information that may, or may not be of value.

So, to get back to the “only living once “ excuse in order to ingest acidic, mucus forming foods in moderation?

No thanks, I know what it feels like to feel lethargic with daily migraines, depression & pain…

Nothing tastes as good as health feels…

life is not all that it can be without your health…

we create our own pain, & only we can eliminate our pain… nobody, no pill, supplement or surgery can eliminate our pain for us… detoxification & dietary improvements are major keys…

let’s age gracefully, with wisdom & vitality…

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self….

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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