My Health Blog

This is lengthy, and I could have done a better job with organizing the passages, I jump around a bit – however, I feel it’s worth the read, it’s time to ponder these things & learn how to build health in order to thrive & to protect ourselves…

Health is survival …

Once you’re on the path towards true health, you may realize that you’re also on the road toward self-preservation & survival …

Good health is required for survival…The convenience we are accustomed to & the world we we once lived in is changing & will continue to do so as they continue to push a make believe enemy on the people in order to gain more power, control & to push an agenda that does not care about the average person.

If you’re not in good health, or in the process of working towards a healthier version of yourself, the time to do so is now, or you put yourself at a disadvantage…

It may sound extreme, however, we cannot deny that the social & economical occurrences around the world are unstable & unpredictable at best.

If you wish to put yourself in the best position possible, healing your health issues, & obtaining lost vitality comes with many advantages that will be of benefit in unforeseen situations…

If you so much as cough these days, you’re a target…

For example, Eventually, overtime, throughout the healing process, one should begin to feel satisfied with simplicity, less variety, less complicated food mixtures & may even develop the ability to fast with ease for a few days, a week or longer. Imagine the advantage of possessing the ability to fast when unpredictable situations arise… the majority of people cannot fast longer than a couple of days without food because they need that food to continually suppress their uncomfortable/ painful eliminations – these eliminations (waste in circulation) can become dangerous, they can even result in death if the individual is not properly prepared- you see, when it is reported that “he/she starved to death”, that is not always the case because a cleaner individual can go weeks without food, it is the toxic individual dying from their internal filth eliminating too quickly. They die from poisoning.

Now Imagine this scenario ; Your local grocery store did not receive their regular shipment? There could be countless reasons why…Imagine chaos, civil unrest, panic when the food runs out…most people rely solely on the local grocery store.

I remember A few months ago, our store shelves had the toilet paper & water cleared out within a few short hours… The viral scare (the media) caused panic…(everyone’s seen the movies for cues on how to act)

I’ve witnessed our local grocery store here miss one shipment & the shelves were empty by evening, we all rely on continuous – daily shipments…the system is fragile at best…

It’s time to grow a garden, fruit trees & save seeds…Reliance is never a good thing…it puts you at a disadvantage, leaves you vulnerable- without your health, you become reliant on hospitals, doctors, pills, etc.

Now most of the general public has no idea that their current diet keeps them in a continual cycle of dependency… The modern diet builds internal waste accumulation, & continual cyclic suppression of that internal waste through their current diet!

If the average individual goes without food for one entire day, their internal waste begins to come into circulation for elimination (due to the digestive rest received), causing the individual to feel “sick, lethargic,weak, tired, moody, headaches, etc.” – they attribute this to “starving”, or to “lack of food”, when in fact, in reality, they are eliminating their toxins, mucus, acids (internal waste) too quickly – which in some cases, can be deadly depending on their current diet.

Cleaner individuals can go without food & in some cases without water for several days (up to 42 days documented without food) without major issues, however, the average individual of today, the meat/dairy & SAD eaters generally cannot stand longer than a couple days before their internal eliminations can threaten their life- internal toxicity can be dangerous when released without proper knowledge – isn’t that interesting? The average person is at such a disadvantage if economical issues arise – I’ll say it again, building health is true survival …

The people of today are the result of major devolution that’s been ongoing over the last several generations – we’ve devolved as a species into eating predominantly disease forming foods (milks, meat, wheat, oils, vinegars, preservatives, fast/processed foods, etc., & eating too often, (3 -5 meals a day never receiving adequate digestive rest), in order to suppress our eliminations which offers temporary comfort…the worse off an individual feels when without food for awhile, reveals their internal toxicity/encumbrance levels or true health status.

Healthy / clean individuals can fast a few days with ease… of course water is very important & we should all have water & food storage (6 months) within our dwellings in case of emergencies…

The more dehydrating ones diet is, the more water is required as compensation. People don’t realize that most foods are dehydrating to various degrees- if it’s not a fruit, vegetable or leafy green, chances are, it’s a dehydrating food – and yes, fats such as oils and butter are dehydrating foods as well…

A slow economic collapse is currently taking place, you will not hear about what is truly happening with the economy & the food suppliers until it is too late.  The mainstream/ gov sponsored media will not report on these truths, the Virus story will continue to cause misdirected fear within the minds of the trusting & unsuspecting…”the meek shall inherit the earth” – temporarily – not long term as they are not strong enough to do so

Meek = Easily imposed upon – submissive

So, When the digestive system receives a break from breaking down food / digestion, the elimination / detoxification process begins… its uncomfortable, and people begin to feel as if they are “starving”…they feel the urge to eat food to suppress these wastes/toxins from eliminating, & food will make them feel “better”…some individuals eat late at night , or very early in the morning, to avoid dealing with feeling their uncomfortable eliminations…This is not a good sign however.

The average person on a SAD diet cannot go very long without food or drink.. death can occur after not eating for a week for example, however, it is not the lack of food that killed them, it’s the elimination of their internal toxins that became too great… The Kidneys become overloaded, weakness sets in, death results from their internal encumbrances…they are suffocated by their own filth & wastes within…by nature, humans & almost all animals possess the ability to fast, for long periods, it’s not only a defence mechanism but self preservation/healing…

I’ve proven to myself that a relatively clean individual can fast for 7 days on water only with little discomfort or issues.

There are individuals who can fast for 40+ days without food & not die… why?

Because their inner terrain is not encumbered & they do not predominantly eat mucus forming diets, they do not deal with internal obstructions, mucus & toxins overloading their vessel – that was created through many years of wrong foods – when the body is free & relatively clean, it can function on very little.

Now imagine that during these difficult – economical times, every individual in poor health is scrambling for the last cans, packaged foods, or chunks of old meat available at the grocery store…

With a clean enough body, one would have the ability to fast during these times of stress, or to sustain oneself with the dried fruits or edible house plants at home …a clean individual can eat apples only for months & that will suffice while continuing to improve & elevate their health.

A healthy / clean individual would have the ability to run on minimal food such as fruits & greens or herbs, or just one small meal a day without issue.  One would have the ability to take a walk in the forest to forage for greens, berries, roots & shoots to survive, and if food was really scarce, one would have the ability to fast until it becomes available ….

Point being, we currently live under unnatural conditions, we rely on a system that wouldn’t  take much for issues to arise within our food supply & it is happening now, behind the scenes, we think that we live in modern times & our Gov. won’t let anything happen, we think we are advanced …Don’t be a fool, the great purge happens in cycles, and good people get caught because they too thought it couldn’t possibly happen during their life times.

I’m not one for doom & gloom…however I am a realist & a fan of foreseeing & preparing for all possibilities…Plan for the worst and hope for the best!

I want to put myself in the best position possible in life, and for that to occur, it means to heal my body to the best of my ability & to get as clean & healthy as possible. Health is the greatest asset one can possess. Life is a diminished version of what could be without your health.

By taking our health into our own hands, and working towards healing, detoxifying & eventually rebuilding our body on the correct foods, we render ourselves less dependent.  Self sufficiency is a fast growing must because we see history repeating itself.

Through healing and detoxification, we free ourselves (somewhat) from the systems that govern our lives, we free ourselves from allopathic “care”, pharmaceutical drug dependency , processed food dependency, reliance on meat, dairy, & egg industries – just to name a few.

Our actions, decisions & choices always have a ripple effect on those around us, which is good in the case of healing & health.

We’ve all been misled on a multitude of topics (by design), especially in the world of health & disease. Hopefully we’ve all done the best for ourselves & our families with the information we were allotted..unfortunately, if it’s not the correct health information, you’re still at a disadvantage no matter how good your intentions.  Now is the time to wake up & to see what’s truly taking place around us.

Now that we finally have some of the correct information, it’s time to take our health back… time to eliminate the acid / mucus forming foods (mainly high protein foods) and return to a more natural way of eating, in line with our species natural physiological requirements or Our species specific diet, the one we were designed for…

It is time to apply the knowledge we have acquired, instead of sitting on the fence & waiting until we have major health issues to heal before becoming serious…

It is time to take our health into our own hands, time to find the strength, not just for yourself but for the future generations, because without health and the knowledge of health, life is not all that it can be… The next generations are counting on you to see through the age of misinformation so that you can teach them & do something about it.

health is everything…our state of health influences our actions, our words, our thoughts, our physiology, our intentions, our very essence…

It’s not easy building health in an unhealthy world -but we must do it if we desire change for the better.

Our collective state of health is the root cause for our current world situation (Junk food / lies in, junk behaviour out) & the confusion most people experience is caused through confusion & ignorance- no longer knowing how to live, what to eat, or who to trust- blindly believing the authorities …deliberate collective confusion has purposefully been used as a tactic to weaken the populace, it is by design.

We need to take our health to the next level in order to survive & thrive through what’s coming, take your health into your own hands.

Mariah  🍎 Heal ThySelf

                    Healthy Self

#healthyvegan #mariahhealthyself #truth

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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