My Health Blog

Meat & Animal products are not Healing Foods…

by | Fri,Dec,2019 | Detox, Detoxification, Fasting, Health, Herbology, Iridology, Nutrition, vegan

From Time to time, I mention the Farm that I once moved to, so that I could know exactly where all my food was coming from, and to ensure that it was all organic because I wanted to heal my health issues that affected my daily life.  I didn’t grow up on the farm, I moved there around the age of 32…I moved there because I was conscious about the horrors of factory farming, and I wanted my diet to be as healthy as possible. At that time I believed there was a such thing as a humane death, we were meant to drink another species milk and that high protein diets were healthy.  I was spending a fortune ( in the city where I previously lived) on grass fed beef, organic milk & eggs, wild salmon, etc.  When I moved to the farm and began growing food and raising animals, I had this dream of my health improving.  We grew organic vegetables from non GMO/ organic seed- that we began collecting and saving ourselves over the years.  We raised pasture raised cows, goats, pigs, etc. We raised our heritage chickens for their eggs, and we milked our Jersey daily for her raw, organic, antibiotic, medication free milk.  Most days, everything that we ate came exclusively from the farm.  I never ate out and everything had to be organic and as clean as possible.  I truly thought my health issues would improve because for once, I knew where my food was coming from and what it went through to make it to my plate.

Some of the health issues I suffered with were cysts all over my body, migraine headaches (daily to weekly), mood disorders, chronic fatigue, kidney pain (lower back pain), swollen hands and feet at times, depression, rashes, a time where my body gave out and I couldn’t walk (lost motor function), body numbness, overweight, painful periods, chronic fatigue, etc.  Over the years, living on the farm, my health issues were not improving, they were getting worse which wasn’t supposed to happen, we were living in a rural area…

I began most of my mornings with our farm fresh eggs and animal meat from our farm.  For lunch I would have a raw milk smoothie with raw eggs in it.  For dinner I would have vegetables, some type of meat from our farm and other homemade dishes (all done from scratch of course with organic ingredients).  We used honey as our sweetener for anything.  Years into this diet and living on the farm, there was a lady at a local seed exchange who recommended that we read a book about health by Dr.Young, titled the PH Miracle.  Dr. Young is a medical doctor who spent a large portion of his life researching health and studying blood under the microscope. Dr. Young successfully helped his patients to heal their health issues.  Through my research and understanding, he was purposefully discredited and “ruined” because if his information is correct, it contradicts, and exposes common knowledge on health and disease, his information can help people to reach a certain level of health that does not require a lifetime of pharmaceuticals as a treatment plan.  Anyways, after the seed exchange, we drove to the bookstore and bought the book titled “PH Miracle”.  In this book, I heard for the first time that animal meats and animal products are not health promoting foods.  This was news to me, yet it was not shocking because my health was in a terrible way and I had thought at that time that I was doing everything correctly.

The information in the PH Miracle revealed the acid forming nature of specific foods versus the alkaline reaction of specific foods.  It explained that Disease was a result of an acidic condition of the body.  The NEXT day, we eliminated all animal meats, milks (all dairy), and Eggs.

We found suitable homes for all of our animals, giving many of them away just so they wouldn’t be eaten or killed.  We immediately stopped providing meat, milk & eggs to outsiders as a farm service because learning the toxic effects that animal products and meats have on the human health, we were not going to continue feeding these foods to other people.  A short while later, we let go of the farm entirely & moved into our tiny home on a friends orchard and after that, we moved off grid entirely.  It was approximately 6 months after leaving the 7 acre farm that I came across Arnold Ehrets book (Rational Fasting) among a friends belongings.  I borrowed her book, and read it faster than any other book that I had ever read (then I read it again & again), with Arnold Ehrets information, I learned how to improve my health further.

I feel on some level that I was meant to discover Ehret’s information because long ago, my father, at the age of 19 learned of this information and had experimented with the fruit diet himself.  When he saw that I had found Arnold Ehret’s book, and was reading it, he attempted to deter me from reading it, remembering the hardships associated with facing such contradictory health information in todays world.  He knew of the hardships that can potentially arise for anyone living in todays society that is filled with individuals who commonly view a natural diet as extreme.  He experienced this first hand long ago, and wanted to save me from dealing with the potential hardships that would likely arise.  So, I read the book regardless and called my father to let him know that it was the most important book that I had ever read in my entire life.  Today, 6-7 years later, I do understand that which he was attempting to shield me from, yet I wouldn’t change a thing.

So what happened with my health after leaving the farm?  What foods was I eating?  My staple foods in the beginning stages were raw and cooked fruits, raw and steamed vegetables, baked yams or sweet potato, spaghetti squash, tons of salad greens, nuts or nut butters for cravings and coconut bread for heavier cravings.  I incorporated periods of short fasts and slowly began improving my diet over the years over to a raw food, high fruit diet. I lived for an entire year on 100% raw, mainly fruits for detoxification and healing within those years.

Today, I periodically incorporate days, weeks or months of fruit only periods- when I wish to detoxify and cleanse, and when I am eating a regular diet, its fruits (I will always eat fruits on an empty stomach & remain a high fruit diet girl), large salads with a lot of raw veggies and veggie fruits combined with steamed vegetables, spaghetti squash or yams.  I never use processed oils or vinegars if I can help it and I always cook everything with water only.  I really feel that wild edible greens are important and played a large role in my health over the years, I’ve always felt drawn to pick and eat wild dandelion leaf, plantain, mallow, lambs quarters and other herbs.

So what happened to my health after leaving all the animal meats and products behind?  My health began to improve, finally!  It happened gradually, nature works slowly, yet over the years, my headaches became less frequent, I stopped my 30 year nail biting habit, my eyesight improved, my skin cleared, I no longer felt so tired that I didn’t want to do anything, rashes went away, the cysts up and down my legs began to fade slowly and I no longer felt bouts of depression that left me crying for hours without hope.  My health began to improve and I wanted to tell everyone!  Nobody wanted to hear it, which is why I focused my blogging efforts towards health and naturally began working alongside others to help them heal their health issues.  The simpler the diet, the least complicated it is, the more opportunity the body receives to heal.

Those who claim that they heal their health issues on animal products and animal meats are, in my opinion, either misleading people, misinterpreting their bodies signals/ feelings & symptoms ( meats & animal products are constipating, mucus forming, acidic, parasite & fungal foods, using up excess acidity, etc.), or fasting often to counteract the negative health effects those foods have on the body, or, their previous diet (SAD, Junk food vegan, keto, etc.) was so unhealthy, that moving over to meats and animal products was actually a step up from that previous diet – yet that is not healing, that is a case of feeling better because they recently eliminated all the other unhealthy foods – give them at least a year.  Many X Vegans who turn to meat and claim health as a result (from what I’ve witnessed), claim they felt better almost immediately and their symptoms improved quickly.  To me, this is a red flag because I’ve witnessed the body healing (myself & others) and it is a slow and steady grind, if something happens quite rapidly, it may be due to the fact that meat is a stimulant (false energy/feeling good) or that the body is supressing painful symptoms in order to deal with the complex, acid forming chemistry it must digest/breakdown/etc.  Upon careful examination, most things are explainable with the correct information.  These day’s the misinformation circulating in the health and dietary world is unbelievable.  Anyone can find mountains of studies and information to back up any diet or food choice they wish to incorporate into their lives, shouldn’t that be a red flag in itself?  Question everything?

We humans are designed to eat simple foods.  Foods that grow in nature, not foods that we must raise and slaughter. If people had to kill their own food or milk the cow, hardly anyone would eat it anyhow… We are designed to eat fruits, vegetables, greens, herbs, etc.  Our diets are meant to be simple, and healthy, which is the exact opposite to how most people eat and live today.  We see a lot of suffering people all over.  Hospitals cannot keep up and the pharmaceutical industry does quite well which is not helping people to heal the root cause of their health issues.

In conclusion, I invite anyone who claims that they are healed, or no longer suffer with health issues through a diet of meats and animal products to send me a photo of their eyes so that I can do an iridology reading.  The eyes reveal the truth, the eyes do not lie.  If you suffer with organ or gland weaknesses, the eyes reveal.  If you suffer with degeneration within the body, nerve issues, over acidity of the stomach, candida over growth and so much more, it shows up in the eyes.  An iridology reading is very revealing.  An iridology reading is more accurate and revealing than that which people say in my opinion.  Happy healing everyone, keep it simple and overtime, you can heal almost any health issue.

Mariah Heal ThySelf

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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