My Health Blog

Natural Law

The Laws of Nature fascinate me because there is no argument of their existence, all life is governed by Natural Law, however, not everyone will agree on what the principles are and the only way to truly learn about or know what they are beyond a doubt is through experience and observation.  Nature works slowly, this is a fact, nothing happens overnight, one of my all-time favourite quotes is written by Lao Tzu “Nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished”.

This morning I was thinking about a discussion that was raised earlier about the fact that we have been misled and lied to on just about every area of our existence.  It’s no secret that those in charge would prefer that we people remain ignorant and confused while we scramble to make ends meet in life.  This way we are easier to manipulate and control while they can remain in power indefinitely.  The reason why I focus so much of my energy on the diet/disease and health information is because there is no question about it, what we directly bring into the body affects our body, mind, actions, mood, and overall wellbeing.  Great change can happen when people bring themselves in to good health, however, if they don’t, the result is a struggle through life, wasted potential because they lack the energy to excel.

Health is the one topic that I know of where we cannot be misled- because once you experience serious health issues heal and experience what it finally feels like to return to your natural self and health, no one can ever lead you astray again. You become stronger and confident. This is one aspect of our existence that we can learn about without a doubt if we are willing to be patient in order to test the information out on ourselves for verification.  If everyone was living in good health the amount of energy that would be available to be directed towards improvement on all levels would be through the roof!  Unfortunately, the opposite is true for the time being, people have lost their way, and on top of this fact there are those in power who do not want us to know the truth, always working overtime to ensure that the majority remain confused and addicted to products and foods that do not serve them. Most people are victims which they do not realize, however, if they took the time to study and learn Natural Law they would realize how simple it is to stand back in their power if willing to live with a little discipline and within the parameters of Natural Law.

I was reading Herbert Shelton’s Natural Hygiene articles this morning that got me thinking about Natural Law.  Natural Law just is.  Natural law are the laws which govern life and all of us are subject to, it doesn’t matter who we are, what we know, how much we have or how important we are, we are all subject to Natural Law equally and Nature does not discriminate.  Nature just is, we didn’t create these laws, nor can we change them and some of us may not like these laws because we can perceive them as unfair or unjust but no matter how we feel they remain.  I remember thinking to myself long ago when after I learned the cause of my health issues (myself) that it simply didn’t seem fair.  Something as seemingly innocent as what we choose to eat each day has such a negative (or positive) impact on our overall health leading us into sickness and disease if we are not careful.  Cause and Effect. If we violate these Natural Laws we pay a price with our health and our very quality of existence and it didn’t seem fair to me that most people have no idea what these laws are – shouldn’t these laws be our birthright?  Shouldn’t we innately know what these laws are so that we can all live good healthy lives? The truth is, anyone can learn the truth if they are willing to go within. When man is in a state of disease, his ability to know and to feel what is real and true is perverted and clouded by the toxicity that prevents him from knowing what is right.  Once we are in such an unhealthy state it can become a lifelong quest to bring the body back into good standing health (without the correct information) and to remain there unaffected by the outside influences that surround us.  We are all connected, and it was the moral duty of our ancestors and family to bring these truths and to teach these concepts and laws to the children but somewhere along the line they were led astray which set up a domino effect that set humans on a trajectory towards the continual violation of Natural Law which we experience the effects of today. Most people are suffering to various degrees and since the world is so far off from our Natural Path of living a Disease-free existence, those of us that have learned these fundamental truths do our best to live by Natures Laws, but we must remind ourselves each day on how to live and what is beneficial for our health.  There are times when I feel like my time could be used in so many other ways that I can’t even fathom what they are because we are here, in this moment in time, helping whoever can be helped with regaining their health for more to benefit so that we can all benefit.   Through my connection with the natural world, I realize that “everything becomes everything” and we cannot move forward until more gain the vital understanding of Natural Law and do their best to live within its parameters.

In the article below, Herbert Shelton discusses Natural Law. He was writing about the fact that many are ignorant to these laws for if they were not, they would not judge or question the benefits of our natural diet/lifestyle based off how long a certain individual or practitioner of Natural Hygiene lived. They would realize that so many factors come into play such as their condition of health before they learned to incorporate the Natural path.  Most people that come to find this lifestyle do so out of their own suffering and a need for answers, so when they finally do find it, much damage to their health has already been done and depending on how involved their symptoms are, and to what degree, will determine how their body responds to the natural diet and what in turn what age they will live to.  Here is Dr. Shelton’s timeless information on Natural Law that I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did.

“How fickle the opinions of men with their mechanical interpretations judged from outward appearances! What about the laws involved?
We could list many men of prominence in the field of health and natural living who have passed on at the appointed time in the execution of eternal law-and usually do we find the question raised, “Why didn’t he live longer?” (The many others who did through long life prove their philosophy, of course, do not count. “Haven’t others reached the same age seemingly without a life of adherence to those laws?”)

What Are the Laws?

SINCE there seems to be such a confusion in the outward picture displayed through the performance of men, let us review briefly once more the principles really involved when it comes to life, health, disease, cure, and death, and let us determine the factors of circumstance which bring about the confusion in the demonstrations of men ascribing to certain philosophies of life. Without any personal interpretation entering in, the LAW of Nature says this about life and the other subjects mentioned:

  • LIFE expresses itself as a building up and discharge of energy in the functions of our bodies, their organs, and finally the cells.
  • HEALTH is that estate of life when its expression is not interfered with or obstructed by any outside agent, mechanical (as an injury), chemical (as toxins), or biological (emotions, etc.).
  • DISEASE is that estate of body function resulting when the normal expression of life is obstructed by one or another aforementioned agents; the name or “diagnosis,” as appendicitis, giving the locality, the ORGANS involved, and the KIND of involvement; and the seriousness, as acute, sub-acute, ruptured, etc., reflecting the DEGREE of obstruction present.
  • DEATH is that estate when obstruction is so great as to prevent the normal discharge of energy behind the life- process.
  • CURE can only be realized with or without assistance, through the action of inherent vitality which always reacts in an attempt to free itself of any encumbrance, or obstruction, that the energy of life may again express itself in a normal, unobstructed manner.
  • THERAPEUTICS or treatment can, therefore, only be of true assistance if they naturally help in the removal of the mechanical, chemical, or biological interference. Thus, all healing by application re solves itself in assisting the body’s own inherent, self-restorative powers to act freely. The Natural Agent employed does not perform the actual

CURING. ONLY THE BODY CAN DO THIS. The agent merely assists.

In Interpretations Thus Far
THE above six principles are not interpretations by any man, myself, or anyone else. They are axioms of Nature, laws that are immediately self-explanatory, have been since the dawn of history, and will be at its termination. There can NEVER be argument about them because they are merely definitions, simple statements, culled from Nature, immediately acceptable by the rational mind and, furthermore, are indisputably borne out by the daily experiences of everyone. We are all living in a world of cause and effect, action and reaction, crisis and anti-crisis. Any kind of effect is always determined by the cause behind it and if it be a good or evil one, must, sooner or later, manifest itself in like manner, for good or evil. We know that through our experiences. And so it is with life, health, disease, death, cure and therapeutics. They are but studies in causes and effects.
So far everything sounds simple enough. It is, however, in the application of the principles where man steps in, and through multiple personal opinions and experiences of fallible natures, is all too apt to bring confusion into the picture.
How much confusion arises will necessitate a little further analysis of the aforegoing principles.

The Principles Developed
THE function of life reveals itself in a two-fold manner, namely, in an INTAKE and an OUTPUT, a combined process which we call metabolism or the process of life.
Now, since life expresses itself as such, it follows that so long as the INTAKE is NORMAL and the OUTPUT is NORMAL, the process of life must be NORMAL. HEALTH, then, is the estate of that body.
On the other hand, if the INTAKE is ABNORMAL, obstructive, toxic and in addition, the OUTPUT is ABNORMAL, inefficient, congested, then the process of life will NOT find smooth expression because of a piling up of obstruction (more coming in, but elimination retarded). We thus shall have disturbance in, or ABNORMAL function resulting. DISEASE is the estate of that body.
Once this latter condition has been allowed to occur, in attempting to restore order, it definitely and logically MUST follow that only two things are open for us to do, either one or the other, or both: First, improve, bring the INTAKE back to NORMAL, and, second, encourage the OUTPUT to more NORMAL and efficient function.

Factors Involved
THE INTAKE involves air, light, food and other factors. The OUTPUT involves eliminations by way of bowels, kidneys, lungs and skin.
If we on the one hand, improve the quality and quantity of air breathed in, obtain plenty of sunlight and other outdoor natural forces, and, perhaps as important as all else, eliminate all obstructive tendencies from the food intake and change it to a

normal or natural one, then we shall be assisting the body in a maximum manner to restore a normal flow of living energy as far as INTAKE is concerned.
If we now also, on the other hand, improve the elimination from bowels, kidneys, lungs and skin through assistive agents designated as natural therapeutics, examples being fasting, colon irrigations, manipulations, herbs, hydrotherapy, physical culture, deep breathing exercises, etc., then we, by improving OUTPUT, further assist the natural function of life to have freedom of expression.


Where Confusion Arises
NOW, it is the degree to which the above procedures are carried and personally understood in individual cases, and conducted in the light of experience, that will either demonstrate the principles unequivocally, partially, or confusedly. And it is to the degree that the man teaching these truths has been enlightened himself which will determine how exemplary he will be in his execution of the same, how complete his philosophy, and how thorough his advice to others in uncon-fused manner.

HERE ARE SOME FACTORS THAT must be considered in determining the whys and wherefores in the judgment of any individual being considered in the light of his response to the execution of natural law.

  1. What kind of body did he inherit? Did he have a vital one or one already heavily encumbered with obstructions of sundry nature? 2. What was his state of health prior to his own adopting a program of health restoration?
  2. How strict did he have to become in order to bring back lost energies? Was he able to do so physically, psychologically, socially, economically, etc.?
    4. How complete was the understanding of his counselors, associates, relatives, friends? Did they help or add confusion?
    5. Could the individual discipline himself sufficiently on all scores? 6. What harm of a surgical- or drug-nature was done to his body prior to his embracing the natural mode of living?
  3. Did he feel that physical health was not so important to warrant a perfect program, spiritual health being the more desirable?
    8. What about the inability of others to discipline themselves whose experiences force him to adopt a “middle” course in his teachings?
  4. Was it possible for him to execute the laws himself as actually understood? How about his work, his rest, sleep, time for play, vacations? What about his social estate, the demands of his wife, who may not understand, his friends, his environment?
  5. How about the continuous persecution by the enemies of truth he invariably must face?

Men Are Subjects of Law

THERE ARE A THOUSAND AND ONE other factors that might be given. These are but a few and must suffice. It will be seen from these, however, that merely judging the principles a man upheld, by his life, health, death, practice, and performance, cannot be rapidly done without analyzing the individual factors involved. Always will it be found that every single being, without exception, must absolutely and irretrievably, reveal an irrevocable discharge of natural law. Men, all men, are subjects of laws. They are not their ‘makers. Laws, principles were there always, man merely is an agent under their realm and influence, and they are not dependent upon him. Laws for that matter should be judged as of themselves and not by the men who may have the knowledge of them but by reason of certain impossible circumstances do not reveal satisfactory evidence in demonstration of the principles regardless of what they may be teaching. Man is a passing, fallible creature. Laws are irrevocable and eternal. First comes law, then man. Let us judge man in terms of the law, but never principles in terms of man alone.”

  • Herbert Shelton

Well said and explained Dr. Herbert Shelton, thank you for the efforts you put towards the betterment of mankind, your work lives on and still serves to help people to rediscover how to heal and to maintain their health.

Our October Terrain Model Diet support group begins soon!  If you would like to sign up for another month head over to , with the holiday’s just around the corner it really helps to have a solid group to check in with that understands the trials of navigating our health in such an unhealthy world.  We are coming up on “flu” season, or “sick season” because between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New year’s people are overindulging in the disease forming foods more so than usual which is why most heart attacks and deaths occur during these holiday months.  Sometimes I simply cannot believe that people do not make these connections for themselves.  Do your best to load up on the healthier foods so that the unhealthy options that everyone will be pushing on each other do not seem so appealing.  Take care everyone and thanks for reading.


About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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