My Health Blog

Our Poor Kidneys…

by | Thu,Apr,2019 | Uncategorized

There are a lot of individuals suffering with kidney issues…

There are countless individuals suffering with these kidney related issues…

The symptoms which I will list are but one aspect, however,  what is the root cause of these symptoms?

The kidneys are vital for our body’s elimination process…

The kidneys eliminate metabolic waste from digestive, cellular & toxic by products…

When our kidneys are compromised from years upon years of ingesting acid/mucus forming foods, you can bet the adrenal glands are compromised too, as they sit on top of our kidneys…

When we take our blood pressure, the two numbers we get represent the adrenals over the kidneys (systolic over diastolic) and it’s best to take a reading from both arms to see what each side of the body is doing, as it often differs and that can be a clue as to how our kidneys / adrenals are functioning on each side of the body…

symptoms that you may experience which point to compromised or damaged kidneys are:

•dark circles or bags under the eyes
•lower back pains or weakness on one side or both
•vision problems
•swollen ankles or edema
•difficulty urinating
•incontinence (loss of bladder control)
•kidney stones

Our kidneys are very sensitive to acidosis or inflammation from the continual ingestion of foods such as meats, dairy, coffee, chocolate, etc… kidneys do not handle high protein foods very well either…

If you wish to heal from symptoms associated with kidney issues, a 💯 raw food diet is the goal consisting of mainly juicy fruits is the key… herbs for the kidneys can also aid in the healing process…

We’ve complicated our diets as a collective…We eat foods from too many sources & many of those sources do not promote health whatsoever, in fact, they cause a gradual degeneration of the whole body to occur –  our bodies are not designed to break down complex chemistry (high proteins/complex carbohydrates) day in & day out…

 fruits require the least digestive energy & leave the least residues within… we eat fruits so that the body has time to return to healing in between meals …

The truth is simple…

Healing can be simple if we put in the time & learn to trust our bodies & the process it must go through in order to become healthy again…

Mariah 🍎 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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