My Health Blog

Since uncovering what I consider to be the most detrimental series of lies foisted upon humanity under the guise of “tradition” & “human dietary needs”, I work daily to help others realize and understand these dietary untruths that only serve to keep people locked in unhealthy patterns.

True health is wealth. Most of us have to make major changes to build our health back because we were raised with the wrong information .  

I currently work with individuals on a personal level to transition at their own pace towards a health promoting lifestyle, eventually eliminating all disease forming & harmful foods. 

🌱So how can you learn how to heal and maintain health while avoiding the pitfalls/ trial and error that many of us endured long ago when transitioning to this lifestyle? 

  1. I wrote a book titled “Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health” to share with the world to help people realize their full potential by returning to our Natural Human Diet (links to order in comments below) My goal with this book is to help people cut through the dietary misinformation that plagues the health community. 
  1. You can also join our ongoing monthly support group where Lauren Whiteman, Nat Farris and myself write daily helpful articles, provide grocery and recipe guides and basically walk everyone through the steps on how to incorporate our Natural Diet in backwards land. We offer unlimited Q&A and ongoing daily support. Some of our group members have been in the group over a year because it’s helpful to have a private community to lean on and consult with. If you wish to join, sign up at
  1. I also offer private one- on -one consultations where we discuss you, and your personal situation in depth for an hour and I can offer my best advice based on almost 10 years experience with navigating this lifestyle myself! Message me to arrange!

🍉We all deserve good health and it’s unfortunate that this information (that should be our natural birthright) is purposefully hidden from us so that we remain sick, confused, never truly reaching our full life’s potential. 

Like I said, we all deserve good health which is why I’ve been posting about this path passionately for close to 10 years! 

Enjoy your Sunday everyone, don’t forget to hydrate, eat fruit/greens, play, rest, sun yourself & keep it low stress because our outside world is a reflection of how we feel internally- perception is everything and our perception changes depending on how we feel! 

Mariah / Maria 🍉 Heal Thyself 

                                  Healthy Self…

For more amazing information about health and healing, join our Terrain Model FB group, you will find a ton of free resources and health information unlike any other place! 

🟣My First published book titled:

 “Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health” 

Is finally available! Order your copy today 👇



UK –

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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