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We Create Our Health

by | Tue,Jan,2021 | Detox, Detoxification, Fasting, Health, Iridology, Nutrition, vegan

We create our Health

I shall quote this book in small increments overtime… I’ll leave any thoughts or comments of my own to the end…

Professor Arnold Ehrets

“Mucusless Diet Healing System” 

Post #18

THE DIAGNOSIS (continued)

Lesson 1V


“Any inside special “constipated” place is located by a light pain there.  The experimental  practitioner can ascertain better than with X-rays through Nature’s revelation after a short fast the true condition of the inside of the human body , and knows the real diagnosis more correctly than doctors can ascertain with all their expensive scientific equipment and instruments.

If this “short-fast” diagnosis is tried on the average man called normal and healthy, but in reality clogged up with mucus – latent disease- Nature reveals the same to you in a moderate degree, and if a “weak point” has begun to develop, unsuspected by them.  Nature will unerringly indicate where and how he will later become sick if the wrong method of living is continued, although it may be after some years .  This then is the PROGNOSIS OF DISEASE”.

If you haven’t got the book click the link to get a copy of the:

Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet Healing System: Annotated, Revised, and Edited version. by Prof. Spira

You Won’t regret having this book in your library because in your healing journey you will always go back to it and read the few notes you made.

My thoughts:

When we are eating a standard diet, weaknesses often go unnoticed as the body is continually digesting without opportunity to heal anything.  We see this time & time again, and individual changes ones habits & dietary regime to build ones health & unexplained pains, weaknesses & issues arise.  This happens because the body has finally received adequate rest & conditions for healing to commence.  What is unfortunate is that if the individual hasn’t gained a full understanding & is motivated to heal at all costs, they often become deterred & fearful of the unknown – after all they felt fine before the healthy diet, and now that they are eating healthy, they are dealing with issues? This is the point where many go on to something else entirely blaming the healthy foods.  Transitioning properly is always key, it can help to ease full blown sudden detoxification.   

The question is, are you willing to commit years to healing? Are you willing to adopt the lifestyle your body was designed for ?  Or will you be looking to heal your health issues and eventually return to bread, cheese & bacon?

We all have choices, and our health issues are our own, created through our daily choices – this is where we are all created equal, nature does not discriminate, and if you do not fuel your body properly, no matter who you are, or what you have, your choices will eventually catch up with you, no one is exempt in the world of Natural Law – we all have to face our choices one way or the other.

Mariah 🍇 Heal Thyself

                    Healthy Self..

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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