My Health Blog

🍎How do we build health in an unhealthy world ?

We live in a world where the path for maintaining optimal health / healing is very unclear. 

The original path is overgrown, it’s difficult to see and there a plenty of other paths that are more appealing seeing how the majority of people take these paths paved with false promises of a quick fix.  

Most gravitate towards the path of least resistance.  They may not get results, but they do receive praise and reassurance from the others.

Those who are fortunate enough to discover the correct path to take for health and healing must be willing to walk a path that hardly anyone else is walking and they must find enough strength and motivation to withstand the stresses and challenges that the others who are not walking that path will throw at them.

Here we all are, living in a world where most individuals do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is required to maintain a healthy existence. 

When someone stands out with their “different” diet / lifestyle choices (old world choices, nothing new just forgotten) others take notice & they generally do not take kindly to someone doing things differently than everyone else.

Your presence causes their own reluctant examination of their current diet/lifestyle choices & for most, that’s just to difficult, no one wants to change, we are creatures of habit, we get used to certain ways of living and doing things.

You represent an opposite, you’re a threat- you stand out…

We live in a world that encourages, conditions & teaches populations from a very young age to ingest foods that are not designed for the health of our species.  These foods degenerate and poison the human body. Because poor health builds gradually, day by day, hardly anyone notices just how unhealthy they are until it’s too late.

Building and maintaining disease is considered perfectly normal & it continues generation after generation even though it’s painfully obvious (to those who step outside of these practices) that the results are catching up with us.

We live in a world where those in health authority positions have less understanding & are ignorant to the facts concerning what the human body requires to maintain health & to avoid breakdown (disease)…. 

It gets worse when disease does occur, their ignorance and harmful treatments cause a worsening of health conditions under the guise of “health care”, they are ignorant to what is required for health and healing when breakdown occurs.  

They create food charts (that lead to disease) in the shape of pyramids for us to follow, they provide & push chemical medications on unsuspecting people to take when their degeneration reaches the point of unbearable pain & inflammation.  They even go as far to subsidize & advertise the most harmful disease -forming foods to ensure that they are available to everyone at a lower price than the foods we should be eating for health.  All of this is done at the expense of the people ( the tax payers) ironically, we fund all that is harming us. 

Something is terribly wrong with this picture.

Somebody has to say or do something.

No one ever talks about the harm that pharmaceutical drug poisoning causes which is a guarantee if you step foot in one of their military installations (hospitals). 

The people and professions that we are taught to trust are those that often cause the most harm.  The greatest harm is done by those who are “just doing their jobs” without question nor care. It’s a war on our health.

Fortunately, there are many intelligent individuals figuring these simple truths out for themselves.  

They are learning how to create the correct healthy conditions so that the body can heal.  

People are realizing that there is no such thing as a quick fix and that healing the body requires patience, time and the knowledge of how to properly feed and care for the human body.  The body will heal if we stop overburdening the body with substances and foods that we incorrectly think are beneficial. 

We need strong & knowledgeable individuals who not only are willing to learn the truth but are willing to walk the less travelled paths (but over abundant paths) toward health.

If you are ready to take your health into your own hands, or want to improve your routines then join us for one of our ongoing monthly “Terrain Model Diet Support Group” challenges where we will outline the steps to take to build your health back.  With daily informational posts, support, unlimited Q&A and guides there is nothing you can’t achieve with a little discipline and patience. It’s only $20 for the month, message me for more details, or go to to sign up

Mariah🍓Heal ThySelf

                  Healthy Self …


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Mariah 🍇 Heal ThySelf

Healthy Self…

“True healing is not a “quick fix” but a regeneration that comes from removing all waste from the body”.

-Professor Arnold Ehret

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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