My Health Blog

I think that the fear of the unknown, and taking matters into our own hands in one of the greatest obstacles that many people face during the self healing process. We are continually bombarded with misinformation about what COULD happen if we DON’T take a particular drug, treatment or surgery.  The fear of the unknown can persuade us to go against our natural instincts.  In all reality, no one can truly say what will happen if we do not take a particular drug for example because they do not know all the future variables.  Trusting the body and it’s innate ability to heal when we provide the body with the correct conditions for healing to take place is not common, it is not something that most people are used to, and therefore its not accepted- such as the mainstream model is.

What I really wanted to discuss today is our individual, and collective reasons for WHY we are doing this.  Why do we choose this healthy lifestyle and way of living above all else?  What drives us to do so? Why are we putting our health first?   I don’t know about you, but I get this question all the time from people who simply do not understand.  From an outsiders perspective looking in, they wonder what the point is for going through everything that is required to build and to maintain health.  They view my lifestyle and choices as a form of torture, they see it as if I am “missing out” on food and drink that they all enjoy together.  They view fasting as a form of self punishment and they simply cannot understand why I would avoid crowds for example.

Ill share my Why’s here, and I would love to hear what your whys are as well.  Feel free to drop a comment below.

  1. I plan to live pain and symptom free.  I grew up with pain in my body, I was always in pain, there was always something wrong with me.  Today, I no longer live in pain because I learned and applied this knowledge that should be common knowledge.  Living a pain free life is worth it to me.
  2. Longevity and quality of life are important to me.  I believe that humans once lived a lot longer than we do today.  I want to experience a long life and i want my experience of a long life to be in good health every step of the way.
  3. I do not want to end up a burden to anyone.  I do not want to depend on family, friends or the system to care from me due to failing health.  I’ve seen too many people get stuck and become dependent on others when they become sick with disease.  Ultimately their friends and family must take care of them and personally, I do not want to ask that of anyone, I plan on depending on myself long term.
  4. I am doing my best to live by example in hopes that others will be inspired to learn themselves how i am living, and what my diet is like, so that they can also improve their own health.  I am doing this for the domino effect.  The more of us that get on board with a healthy diet/lifestyle, the more others will do so as well.
  5. I am doing this for Nature.  I am doing this for the beautiful animals and creatures of our earth and for the planet.  I see a ripple effect that occurs when we adopt a DO NO HARM diet/lifestyle approach.
  6. I am doing this for self reliance and self sufficiency.
  7. I am doing this because I feel it is my moral duty.  To be honest, I have no choice, not many of us do unless we choose to be wilfully ignorant.  you simply cannot go back to sleep once you learn the truth.

Whenever I experience a major craving for something that does not promote health (which is very rare now), or whenever I feel stressed to the point that I get the thought that there is no point to all of this, I take a step back and review my WHY’s which really puts things back into perspective. There are a lot of distractions and a lot of noise in this world and we must learn how to not let it affect us.   We’ve all witnessed too much pain and suffering and for what?  So that we can eat fast food, or the foods that we were accustomed to eating our entire lives?

I spoke with a man who is suffering with leg issues.  His legs wont heal, they are always in pain, sore and giving him issues.  I know this man personally.  He lives alone and he is suffering daily.  He sleeps sitting up.  I asked him if he would be willing to try changing his diet and giving up the yogurt that he consumes daily?  He stated that he wasn’t going to stop living!  How many people are there out there that would rather live in pain than to give up the foods that they think that they enjoy on a regular basis?  We all have choices.

I wouldn’t trade this knowledge, my healthy routines, or the way that i feel for anything.  I’ve put in the work and effort over many years and its been worth it to me.  I’ve experienced both sides and I always think of this quote:  “Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels”.  I think of it because it is not entirely accurate in my opinion.  To say that nothing tastes as “good” as healthy feels insinuates that the foods that are healthy and good for us do not taste good.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Maybe initially, when we are going through the difficult stages of transitioning away from the foods that build disease issues- can the healthier foods seem to not taste as good.  But overtime, as we revert our physiology back to our Natural state, and when we reverse disease and begin to feel what true health feels like, it is the foods that build health that taste amazing!  Overtime we will crave the foods that promote health.  When I see someone eating fast food for example while I am enjoying my banana and dates on a public outing (this happens often) I feel so fortunate to know what I know, and to have found the inner strength to apply it day in, and day out for almost 9 years.  I do not feel as if I am missing out on anything, if anything, i feel that is the people who are eating the fast food that is missing out on what healthy truly feels and tastes like.  It is so sad that there are endless amounts of people that will eat the disease forming foods until they become sick or unwell without ever learning the truth in all of it, that we are responsible for our individual health status.  That we build who we are through our choices and our health and experiences will reflect that.

So the next time you may be second guessing this path, or wondering to yourself what the point is for eating and living this way, remember, not everyone is afforded this opportunity in life.  You are not doing this just for yourself, you are doing this for future generations and for the betterment of this world because you do make an impact on everything around you, and everyone around you – even if they don’t seem to grasp it at this moment in time.

The truth is simple.  Nature works slowly and anything of value requires maintenance and effort.

Mariah Heal Thyself/Healthy Self


About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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