My Health Blog

Our eyes are the “Window to the soul” … The eyes do not lie.  

“Iridology is the science and study of the iris of the eye and it’s relationship to the tissues in your body.  It is a highly detailed road map to all your cells, their functions, and their failures”.  – Dr. Robert Morse N.D.

CLICK on the image to purchase the book today

In Dr. Morses book titled the “Detox Miracle Sourcebook”, he goes on to explain that his old friend Dr. Bernard Jensen referred to Iridology as the “Master Science”.  “The iris of the eye shows us in detail the genetics, tissue weaknesses or strengths, and the congestive (or toxic) conditions of the body.  It shows us obstructions, prolapsed conditions and chemical accumulations.  Not only does it show us our tissue weaknesses and congestion, the eyes show us the degree of these issues.  You do not truly know your physical body until you’ve had a neuro-optic analysis”. – Dr. Robert Morse N.D.


There is a lot of information pertaining to ones health that is revealed through the eyes.  Similar to acupuncture or reflexology, we know that the different meridian points on the skin correspond with different organs and glands in the body.  The different parts of the iris provide a map for what is taking place within.  All the nerve endings in the body correspond with specific areas within the iris which we read in Iridology.  The iris serves as a map, of a glimpse into a persons internal state of health.

Ill list 11 key points that are revealed when studying the iris, there are more of course, here they are as follows:

  1. Specific areas of inflammation / chemical deposits
  2. If that individual is absorbing the nutrients from their foods (malabsorption issues)
  3. Neurological weaknesses
  4. Cholesterol deposits
  5. Is the skin (our third kidney) eliminating wastes properly
  6. The state of our Kidney’s  and adrenal ‘s
  7. The constitution (are you a fast, moderate or slow healer)
  8. Lymphatic stagnation areas
  9. Heavy metal toxicity
  10. Candida/fungal overgrowth issues
  11. The state of ones colon


Most people have decades of old, stored up, stagnant, lymphatic waste within their body. This waste is generally the main causes of most disease issues and symptoms that result because of this waste.  With IRIDOLOGY, we can see where this waste is stored, and what areas in the body can benefit from a detoxification/helaing protocol, or a change in lifestyle that focuses on a mucusless diet combined with health promoting lifestyle changes. if you want to read more on the subject here are the links:

  1. My Thoughts on The Mucusless Diet Healing System
  2. We Create Our Health
  3. What is HEALTHY?

Iridology is a non-invasive tool that allows us to get a clearer understanding of ones internal state of health.  Iridology gives us a clearer understanding of what organs and glands need strengthening/healing and what areas of the body are obstructed and could benefit from detoxification or a cleansing diet.  One reason that I prefer to begin with an Iridology reading for those who seek out my guidance is because with an Iridology reading, It serves as a clear starting point.  An iridology reading also serves as a motivational tool to help motivate the individual to get on the road to health and healing.

The Iridology document that I provide also serves as something to compare and with and to track ones progress against down the road.  Of course what we do today, meaning all our health promoting habits that we engage in today are not reflected within the iris for 6 months!  So because of that, which we do today takes sometime to be revealed in the iris, it’s generally suggested to wait 12-18 months (or longer )to get a second iridology reading.  I have to admit, doing second, comparative Iridology readings is my absolute favorite because that individual has put in a year or more of healing work and the second reading reveals where improvements were made in comparison with the first iridology reading.

The fact that doing an iridology reading is non-invasive is a major plus in today’s world.

There are no side effects,

and no discomfort whatsoever

(besides taking the quality eye photo)!

I find that the biggest issue surrounding Iridology is taking a quality eye photo for analysis. I send an iridology starter package to anyone who wants an iridology reading. In this email package, it includes a sample eye photo to strive for (Its up close, the whole iris, in focus, etc.), a short video tutorial on how to take a proper eye photo, and a short document to read over that also explains how to take a proper eye photo.  Yet it can still be a struggle to get a quality eye photo.  I’ve even had individuals give up entirely, feeling that they were unable to take a proper photo.  I understand their struggles, I’ve been there with taking photos of my own iris, and I wish I could help them take the photo- however, most of the individuals that ask for readings reside all over the world.

So what is the true benefit with getting an iridology reading?  People always ask me “what does an Iridology reading do”?  To this I tell them that Iridology is a tool that will give you a road map to your internal strengths and weaknesses.  It helps with revealing your congestive / lymphatic & chemical accumulations.  Iridology is so valuable for pinpointing organ and glandular weaknesses which truly wreak havoc on our health if not addressed.  But most importantly, it gives the individual an idea with what their internal state is, and once this is revealed, an iridology reading usually serves as motivation to help that individual get started, no more messing around!  Once you see the truth, there is no going back and it’s time to get serious about our health. If the individual is drawn to herbal support, an iridology reading helps us to decide on which herbs are optimal for that individuals particular state of health.

Anyone can learn the science of Iridology.  I highly recommend Dr. Robert Morse’s Iridology classes if you can get there.  There is so much information out there, but from what I’ve learned, between German Iridology and Dr. Bernard Jensen’s information, Dr. Jensen really took it to the next level.  The main reason I choose Dr. Jensen’s information as opposed to the German iridology is because he recognized that the iris changes color overtime to reflect ones internal state of health.  Dr. Jensen realized and taught the diet/disease correlation and how that is reflected within the iris.  With German iridology, from what I remember, it is not recognized that the iris changes colour and that there are only two true colour types in humanity (blue & brown) and that all other colour variations are indicative of toxicity accumulations which will lift when entering the world of healing and detoxification.

After working alongside individuals for many years, and through my own experience, I can say without a doubt that the iris does change colour over years of healing and that my once dark green eyes are now closer to a blue colour – which I had to experience to believe it possible!

So while an iridology reading does not “heal you”, it does serve a big purpose with motivation, and giving us a clear analysis of ones internal state without any invasive procedures or technology.  If you haven’t had an iridology reading, I highly recommend getting one for information purposes.

Click Here to Get directed to my Iridology Reading page

When someone asks me for an iridology reading, I ask them upfront to not give me ANY information about their current state of health, or the symptoms that they may be experiencing.


Because I want them to witness first hand with just how accurate iridology is, I do not want them thinking that the information that is revealed in their reading was somehow influenced by what they had already revealed to me regarding their personal health status.

I think I’ve written enough for now on this topic.  Iridology fascinates me, it always has, although I find it difficult to not study someone’s eyes when I meet them in person for the first time!  Sometimes I wish I didn’t do that, yet I can’t help myself!  So much is revealed in the iris, just the colour of the iris itself is very telling .  The good news is, the body wants to heal and correct itself.  The body is always ready to enter into a cycle of healing and If we create the correct internal conditions within long term, we can heal almost any health issue.

Our state of health is entirely up to us, it’s all within our power.

Thank you for listening, I wish everyone well on the road to health and greater happiness.



About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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