The Truth about Health is Simple.

The Truth about Health is Simple.

Since uncovering what I consider to be the most detrimental series of lies foisted upon humanity under the guise of “tradition” & “human dietary needs”, I work daily to help others realize and understand these dietary untruths that only serve to keep people locked...
Nightshades/Lectins and “Dangerous” Plant Compounds!

Nightshades/Lectins and “Dangerous” Plant Compounds!

This topic resurfaces often, so I thought I would dive into why a select amount of people believe that nightshades are “trigger foods”, or “anti-nutrient” foods, or “inflammatory” foods. If you listen to the “experts”, they will have you believe that Nightshades are a...
Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health

Heal Thyself: Embracing our Natural Diet for Optimal Health

I want to take the time to thank everyone that purchased my book recently, It’s only been out less than a month and I am pleased with the exposure that it is receiving.  I am honoured and humbled that people all over the world are reading my words and it is my...

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