My Health Blog

Mucus Forming Milk…

by | Sun,Jan,2021 | Detox, Detoxification, Fasting, Health, Nutrition, Parasites, vegan

Mucus Forming Milk…

Milk doesn’t do a body good !! here is why…

We’ve been programmed by a lifetime of advertising & misinformation to believe that we still need to drink milk (another species milk) past the age of 2!!

If cows milk, and the products made from cows milk, were not building degenerative health issues in humans, I would find it absolutely hilarious that humans are so clueless to think another species milk is normal to drink .

when did I realize that cows milk wasn’t fit for human consumption? What was my wake up moment?

It was when I was living on our 7 acre organic farm, I got out there to milk our jersey “Mercedes”, and it was so obvious in that moment that what I was doing was absurd & unnatural that I ended the madness…

I never really liked milk anyways, it’s thick, warm, mucus like, it’s pretty gross … I only drank it because I was programmed to believe it was health promoting… I only drank raw cow milk because I thought it would help me to heal my long list of health issues – only, my health issues continued to get worse.

Milk does NOT build strong bones, it weakens bones as it causes calcium loss from our connective tissue & bones in order to counteract or neutralize the acidity.  Milk is highly inflammatory, mucus-forming and constipating. Milk does not do a body good, quite the opposite.

We humans lack the proper digestive enzymes to break cows milk down and we experience an increase in mucus production upon consumption, which creates obstructions within the body and our intestinal walls.

“Animal protein has been proven over and over to “lock up” our lymph system and kidneys. This is what destroys your health since lymph is your “sewer” and a clogged sewer is never good.

Keeping the acids out of your lymph system is the key to health and this is done by eating your species-specific diet of alkaline forming, raw living foods (fruits, and vegetables).

ALL dairy products cause and increase tumor growth and lymphatic congestion. Milk is hormonal fluid filled with sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, and IGF-1 bovine growth hormone.

Milk products promote cancer, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, autoimmune, the list goes on”. ~ Chris McMinn

I’ll tell you, Not a day goes by that I am not thankful that I no longer have to slave away for milks, meats or eggs… Not a day goes by that I am not thankful for having learned which foods build disease, and which foods promote health & living from the land became a whole lot more enjoyable, and easier, when I eliminated the animal related products…

true freedom is requiring less…

with animal farming, you must use outside sources for hay, feed, materials to build coops, shelters, etc., that’s  not self sufficiency, it’s dependency .

And for what? Massive variety in foods? Do you really want to spend your life working to eat?

In my previous posts if you haven’t read them I talk about M-eat in more details and the detrimental effects on the body…

or you can also see my post about what high protein diets cause to the body

For the past 7 years, I get to focus on growing vegetables, plants, food & planting fruit trees & shrubs!! All that my diet requires (fruits, vegetables , greens, herbs) comes from the ground & I can grow these foods without external output if I collect seeds & propagate plants.

Simplicity … true health comes with simplicity … #mariahhealthyself 🍇

About the author: Mariah Manazza

Certified Detoxification Specialist, Iridology Readings, guiding individuals to Heal Thy Self through regenerative detoxification, transition diet, natural health and healing lifestyle...

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